The Weapon In My Mind

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Bruce and Tony have spent the last two weeks running every test they can on your brain. CT scans, MRIs, PET, and every other test with letters for its name; they've done them twice. They can't tell how Hydra did it, let alone how to undo it.

You wake up once again after being sedated. Steve and Bucky are taking every precaution to keep you from possibly escaping.

Your eyes open, and you slowly blink your sight into focus. Your mouth is dry once again.
As your vision clears, you can see Bucky sitting in his chair, watching you from the other side of the cell glass. "By the look on your face, the tests didn't give you the results you were hoping for?" You say as you down a bottle of water.

Bucky runs his hands down his face, trying to fight off the exhaustion. "No. I promise Jo, we will find a way to undo what they did."

"I've told you a thousand times that I don't want to be fixed. Why would I want to feel pain again? Why would I want to know fear again? Don't you remember how free you felt when you were wiped? Your mind was not cluttered with all that emotion. No fear, no guilt, just emptiness."
You say with such longing.

"Yes, I do." Bucky says with a sigh.

"Don't you want that freedom again? Just let me go, Bucky. Let me take you home, and we can be free together." You plead with him.

"No, Joey! I can't do that. I'll find a way to make you whole again, " he says, standing up and walking over to the glass.

"Why do you insist on causing me pain? Don't you understand I wanted this? I wanted to stop missing you and crying for you. I wanted to stop the bloody, painful nightmares. I was tired of being afraid to close my eyes at night. Tired of fearing the sound of my door opening and the heavy footsteps coming to my bed." You walk closer to Bucky. "You say you love me, so why do you want to bring all that pain and fear back for me? I feel nothing when I think of those things, and I want to keep them that way. I won't let you take the numb away. I won't let you take the silence away from me." You say blankly to Bucky.

" Don't you want to feel love? To feel joy again?" Bucky questions with a quiver in his voice.

"I can still feel desire, pleasure.....anger, hate. They work just fine for me." You say as you lay back down on the bed. Your arms crossed under your head, your legs crossed at the ankles.

A few days later, a ship lands on the compound grass. Bucky, Steve, Tony, and Bruce are there to greet them. The plane door opens, and a slender, elegant woman steps out of the plane and approaches the men.

All four men bow slightly to the woman. She stops in front of Bucky. She smiles, and they exchange a playful schoolyard handshake.

"Ah, White Wolf, you still have it for an old man." She says with a laugh and a large smile.

Bucky smiles back with a warm smile. " Princess Shuri, this is Tony St.."

"The infamous Tony Stark." She says, cutting off Bucky.

"You know the other two." He says as he gestures to Steve and Bruce.

"Steve, it's so good to see you again. Dr. Banner, it's a pleasure working alongside you again." Shuri looks at Bucky again, her face turning more serious. "Let's save your sister, shall we?"

All five of them head into the compound in hopes of saving you. Four men follow from within the plane, pushing large floating crates. She wastes no time setting up her equipment and preparing to meet you.

You are brought in bound, hands and feet, with vibranium handcuffs. Shuri is a little shocked at the sight.

She turns and looks at Bucky. "White Wolf, are these actually necessary?"

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