I can hear you

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                                        12:25 AM

We zoom back in on this story to see you 4 waking along for if you stay still for to long. It's already to late. "So what are we heading again?" You ask. "The Day Care." Gregory response. "Gotta make sure, what ever happens." "That thing doesn't get out again." "Thing?" "Yes, the day care sitter." Gregory shivers. As you all approach the door to close it. Sun pops open the door. Making everyone jump except Freddy. "Oh boy!" "New playmates!" "So what do you want to do first!" "Huh?!" "Huh?!" "Hu....." Freddy pushes Sun and immediately shuts the door and while he keeps closed. You Vanessa and Gregory push stuff infront of it. "That should hold him." "Vanessa says." "Is all this really necessary?" "I mean it just seems hyper, if anything." "Trust me
Y/N, Sun ain't the issue..... Gregory starts walking away. "It's his other half." He finishes. And again you 4 start walking. "What our next plan Gregory?" We should also check to if the others are still in their rooms." "If they are, we can lock them in as well." "Except for the new bot." "He still doesn't have a room yet. Still under construction." "So where is he located?" Vanessa asked. "They shut him, down in the back." "You sure know a lot Gregory." Gregory looks back you. "I made it my business to know a lot about this place, after what happened." "It must have been real traumatizing." "It was..." But Freddy and Vanessa helped me through it." "And if I can survive that." "I can survive anything." "Including doing it all over again."

12:43 AM

You guys do make it to the rooms But you were shocked by something. "I can't believe it." Gregory says." You 4 walk closer. "They are all in their rooms still." Freddy says. "Let's lock em in quickly." Vanessa suggested. Freddy and Gregory agreed and started getting to work. Except you. You just started walking down the line of rooms and looking in each one. (In your head) "Chica, just loves pink and... Pizza?" "Hm." (Growls) Ah yes this must Monty's room." "Strange, can't really see anything in there." "Oh well." and...." "Roxy." You said out aloud. Roxy is standing in front of her mirror and appears she is talking to her self. (Still in your head) "Hm She's quite pretty." "Hm I wonder what's she saying." "Psst, psst, hey Y/N? You shake your head and look at Vanessa. Who is standing behind you. "What are you doing?" "Get away from there." As you start to lift your foot. A shiver goes down your spine. Vanessa's face starts to show fear. Freddy and Gregory who were still moving things to block the doors just for good measure. Also stop in their tracks. All 3 are looking in your direction. You start to shake. You look down and shadow just completely covers yours. "Oh no." You whisper to yourself as you slowly turn around and look up to be face to face with Roxy who's look down at you. She has her head resting on her arm which is resting on the window, looking down at you. Her tale moves back and forth. Her mouth opens and her tongue makes it's way. Sticking out of her mouth, She bends down and starts licking the window from where your crotch was and she licked up all the way to your face. She then look upped at Vanessa, who is still in fear. Then towards Freddy and Gregory." Cocked her head noticing they were carrying stuff. She walked over to her door and opened it. Just to see a pile of stuff blocking her path. She then walked towards her table and grab a marker. Mostly like used for autographs. From there she walks back to you and begins writing on the glass . Mouths start to drop and steps were taken back. She wrote.

Run little rabbit

She raised her hand which had claws and point her finger right at you. Her claw right against the glass. She put her head down, closed her eyes and stopped moving. Gregory spoke. "Did she run out of power?" You get closer to the glass, trying to see. Starring at her. Her eyes shot wide open looking right at you with her head still down. You jump back as her claw Pierced through the glass. "Y/N RUN!!" You all taking off running as the glass cracks all the way up and down the giant window. Until it falls and shatters. You hear the glass hit the ground and shatter across the giant room. You hear her voice. "I may not be able to see you right now, but I can hear you!" As you all are running. You make it far enough. But the lights go out. "Oh great." Well at least he's lock..... "It's past your bed time. "Oh for fucks sakes!" Vanessa says with annoyance." "You all start running again. "We locked him up." "Is that Sun talking?" You ask" It's his other half." Freddy answers. "Naughty, Naughty." "You must be punished." "Apparently he has kinks." "Not now Y/N!" "What are kinks?" I don't know Gregory." "What are kinks Vanessa?" "Now is not time, you guys!" "And Gregory you're not old enough and Y/N shut up!" "It's past your bed time." "He's getting closer" "He must have gotten our through the vents or something." "We need to split up." "No way Y/N, it's to dangerous!" "Two bots chasing us and one is right on our tale." "We need to split up." "Freddy and Gregory go left, head down." "Vanessa head right, head up." "I'll continue straight." "We will meet on stage, where the show was." "But Y/N?!" Vanessa try's to convince. "No buts." "Split up now!" You all split directions." You kept running and didn't stop until your legs and feet grew tired. You've lost sight of everyone and anxiety started to grow. Your body grew heavy and darkness just consumed the walls around you. You slowed down into waking. But the weight got heavier You got down on the floor and breathing very heavy. You start to lay down. When a cup appeared from the darkness and was rolling to you. "What the fuck?" It was a cup for kids from one of the shops. It had a picture of the whole band on it and lid to keep from spilling. You picked up the cup and you felt weight an heard a liquid being sloshed around. You opened it. One light bulb turned on above you. It was only bright enough to show you and the rest of the area was still covered in darkness. You look up and then back down into the cup. It was filled with water. "What the?" You went ahead and started guzzling water. "Did that quench your thirst?" You drop the cup and it rolled away into the darkness in front of you. Immediately you started looking every direction. "No need to be frighten." "I couldn't help but notice, how exhausted you were." It was a woman's voice. But something was off about her voice. Especially how it echoed in every direction. "I just wanted to help." You take one big deep breath. "Thank you for the water." "Oh, You're quite welcome." "I know you humans need fluids like this." "Wait... You're not human?" "Ssshhhh No need to be scared." "I can hear your heart beating from here." "Where exactly is here?" You ask. "Would you really like to know?" "Sure, just let me know which direction." Rather it's left or right."

She giggles.

"What's so funny?" (For this next sentence here I want you guys imagine how her voice starts to come from one direction with per words she says) She answers your question but fear starts to strike you once again. As her voice starts to shift from all directions into one direction. "Oh sweet, handsome and delicious little man." But I've been in front of you this entire time." The echos stop. There is no confusion now. She is at least 2 feet in front of you. "Now I've answered your question." "Can you answer my question?" You nod your head up and down. You what's sounds like water being filled into a cup or someone taking a piss. "Are you lost?" "Maybe" You slowly move your body to get ready to run. You're tired but you got enough in you for an escape if needed. "I can help." The water cups rolls back to you. "You should keep drinking." "It looked like you were about to pass out, a second ago." "Thank you." The cup was completely refilled. "I do appreciate your help." "But I have a hard time trust bots." "Oh why is that?" "Well just a little bit ago I was being chased by the daycare bot."

She giggles.

"Sun/Moon is very much still in the day care center." "No he was chasing me." "No he wasn't." "Something else was. "Probably trying to distract you from what it really was." "What was?" "Uh uh uhhh." It's my turn to ask you a question." "You nod "Alright go ahead." Did you like it?" "Like, what?" Her voice sounds like it gets right in your ear, whispering."

"Did you like it..... when I called you little rabbit?"

1:00 AM

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