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                                  Vanessa POV

"Freddy we lost the blood trail and music has gone silent." "Do you have any idea where they could have gone?" "Im really not sure Vanessa." "I'm trying to pick up something on my scanner, but so far nothing." Vanessa, Freddy!"  Gregory runs up from your right. "What is it Gregory?" "I found this on the floor." It was your clothes shredded. She grabs the clothes. "These are Y/N. Vanessa hands the clothes to Freddy. Freddy grabs the the clothes. "It's got...."Gregory couldn't finish his sentence. Vanessa looks at it while Freddy scans. "Dry blood." Vanessa finishes Gregory sentence. "Hmm indeed it is and it matches the same blood we found earlier." "Then Y/N must be close." "We can't give up." "Keep searching guys." Freddy gives the clothes to Vanessa. Then him and Gregory split off and continue checking the area. Vanessa looks down at the clothes. Then back up shedding a tear. "I hope you're ok Y/N

                                          2:37 AM

                                      Back to you

You fell asleep in Roxy's bed. Once you fell asleep Roxy put on the Terminator Saga. Then powered off for the night. You were Dreaming..... Dreaming about the past. Dreaming about your first.

(In Side your dream)

It's like grey and gloomy. Fog just surrounds you.
You hear foot steps all around you. You turn each way trying to pinpoint. Your anxiety grows. You have your hand reaching of a revolver that strapped to your side. Foot steps speed behind you. You draw but don't shoot cause nothing is there. But then...... "Y/N?" Your breathing starts to calm down and you you turn around. A woman stands before you. At least 5 feet away. Shes wearing a black dress and black cowboy hat, with a gold logo on the front. This woman has white hair that hangs down to her chin, Red lip stick and her eyes are blood red. "Is it really you Y/N?" You can't speak. But you do shed a few tears of joy. She reaches out to hug you. But something pulls her away and she disappears into the fog. Hear screams Fade into laugher. A dark laugher. A sinister laughter....... A familiar laughter. Your tears fade. Rage builds up inside you. You yell. "REAPEERR!!!!"
You go to pick up your revolver and point it at where you believe he is. You were wrong. He wasn't there. You feel a barrel up against the side of your head. Then hear a familiar voice. "You've become slow Y/N." Your breathing picks up faster and anger fills you completely. You yell once again. "I'M GONNA KILL Y......

(Loud ringing)

Everything turned to white and you started to wake up. When you awoke a hand was over your mouth. You squirm and Turn over to see who has you. Relief flows over your body. It was Vanessa telling to shoosh with her finger. She whispers. "What are doing here." You just roll your eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me." "And why the fuck are you naked in bed with Roxy?" You look down at her hand still on your mouth. "Oh right." She removes her hand and you slowly get out of bed and start sneaking towards the broken window. "Do got any thing to cover my self with?" "I don't think Gregory and Freddy want to see my rock star." "Ya, we figured you would needs these." She hands you adult size chica pjs and I heart Monty T shirt. "Really?" "This is the best you can find?" She looks at while you are walking and getting dressed. "It was either that or Roxy merch." To be quite honest by the way things look...." She sighs. "It looks like you have had enough Roxy for one night." "Scratch that, the rest of your life." "You shrug your shoulders. You two almost make it out when Vanessa steps on a Roxy doll that was on the floor. It makes a loud squeaky sound. You tackle Vanessa immediately and ducks infront of the bed. Roxy sits straight up and looks around the room. You and Vanessa both stay quiet. Her eyes are like flash lights once the lights went off you. You knew she powered back off. You both make a dash for the broken window. You jumping over the broken glass and Vanessa just runs across it. Which is makes noises to wakes up Roxy. As you guys are running. You know she's awake now. Because you both hear loud and aggressive growl/scream. You turn around just before going around the corner just to see Roxy pulling the currents down. After that you kept running and didn't look back. Freddy and Gregory join up with you in the running after you both go around the corner. "Guys we gotta find a place to hide." "Ya no shit Vanessa." Gregory says. Vanessa looks down at Gregory pissed. "Kick his ass later Vanessa." "Now keep moving." You ordered. You guys run into the food court from the very beginning. Vanessa still has the keys so she shuts the big door and locks it. Then you all hide behind the counter. There are still windows. So you watch as Roxy shadow runs by and stops. She begins to sniffs for a bit. She looks around "You can't hide forever!" She yells then continues running and searching. "You all take a deep breath. "That was close." "To close." Gregory reply's." "Now Y/N?" You look at Vanessa. "Care to explain why you were fucking Roxy." "What the fuck?" "Gregory I swear." "I better not hear another cuss word from you!" Freddy chimes in. "You broke the rules with Roxy?!" You all looked at Freddy like what the fuck looks on your faces. "Anyways yes I did and it was fun okay." "She does have little bit of yandere in her which I don't like at all." "For fuck sakes Y/N." (Vanessa face palms) "Let's just try to keep moving okay." "We got like..." "What time is it Freddy?" "It is 4:15 AM Gregory." "Hm, well at least I got a good nap in." Vanessa smack you on the back of the head. "Alright let's move out." Gregory orders. "What ever happens, we need to keep moving." "And be careful and I mean a lot more careful." "Roxy has a lot more control over this place then we think." "So got 3 hours left." But she gonna make it really difficult to escape." Voice intercom starts to crack. "Indeed I will Y/N." All of the sudden Roxy busts through the glass windows. Jumping and sliding across the floor. She uses her claws to break herself. She's also down on all fours. She looks up with a grin across her face. "Hello little Rabbit." "RUN!!!" You all scatter and jump through the windows. Vanessa covering Gregory as they jump through. As you all running. You are leading them. But a lady's voice pops in your head. "Y/N if you are there listen carefully take a left right now."You did not argue. You went left and they followed. "Take a right." You do. "Take another right." Head straight." "Now take one last left." You do and it takes you into a room. Which Freddy proceeds to shut the door. A button sits on the desk. "Push it now Y/N." You do. "Security protocol activated." All the doors lock up. Roxy bangs on the door and growls but the doors don't budge. It actually shocks her. She lets out a scream and walks away. "Nice work Y/N." "Y/N? You grab your head then black out. Vanessa catches you. "Shit he's out cold."

4:27 AM

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