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every day,


towards the place

that slowly,


eats me up

I always sit

facing where we just passed through

like I'm facing my past

every day,


I see the same houses and trees,

just like I always see the same part

of what went wrong

but I never know

where I took the wrong turn

where it all went wrong

but it still changes

day to day

week to week

month to month

and year to year

the leaves fall down from time to time

adding more or less colour

letting me see more or less details

and the clouds change

the light does too

as the people around me change

letting me see different sides to it

sometimes I sleep,

escaping it all

the loud voices

inside and out

mostly I listen to music

so at least the outside voices go silent

and if the music is loud enough


the inner voices will go silent too

for at least one moment

letting me breath

and giving me space

I barely move

it won't change the train from moving

or going another direction

so why should I waste my energy?

but I wanna see other houses and trees

so bad

see how it could be

if I took the right turn

but is it really my fault?

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