the ocean, the air

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the ocean, the air
two huge things
quite without end

the ocean
mostly unexplored
an insanely big thing
not quite substitutional

the air
letting us breathe
helping us to live
not quite indispensable

the ocean, the air
setting me free
making me smile
and letting me be

the freedom
always comes within
bound to settle in
quite addictive

the thoughts
circling back
to the memories made
by the ocean, in the air

the unbeatability
when you're in a plane
seeing all from above
far far away

the hug
and when all around you is blue
and you don't know where to go
but at least you move

the ease
floating through the undefined blue
seemingly weightless
nothing pulling you down

the laziness
watching it all
passing by
without having too much impact
to what happens

the serotonin
filling you up
when the engines start
bringing you freedom

the emotions
flooding you
catching you like a wave
and the question is
do you surf or drown?

I feel like I need to sleep,
flying through the ocean,
at an uncontrolled speed
with no idea where I'm going.
out into the blue.

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