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Colton's new bootycall was all he could fucking talk about

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Colton's new bootycall was all he could fucking talk about.

The fucker couldn't stop talking about her hair or her ass or her 'perfect tits'. It was honestly getting annoying.

I didn't particularly enjoy the 'locker room talk' like the rest of the guys, especially since I'd only ever been with one person before in my life, and never did I want to share what she looked like or how good she was with anyone, least of all a room full of thirty guys who'd salivate at her the moment she walked by.

He hadn't told us her name, though, so that was the plus side to it.

Still, I wondered who it was that had gotten under his skin so quickly, if only to warn her, protect her from how I knew Colton was.

The guy couldn't keep it in his pants for five seconds, let alone long enough to remain faithful to anyone, so this would only hurt the girl in the long run.

Unless it was Leah Maren. She was the equivalent to Colton in every way except for the fact that she didn't have a dick between her legs.

How did I know this?

Because she'd been the one to take my virginity sophomore year after homecoming.

She was the first and only girl to ever break my heart, and what she'd done was enough to turn me off of sex, forever.

Okay, maybe not forever, but at least until I was in my twenties.

"So she was going down on me, right, and she had her tongue doing these fucking perfect circle things around the tip of my di-"

"Colton! Shut the fuck up. No one wants to hear about how you got your dick wet last night."

My friend's eyes widened in surprise at my angry outburst but I didn't care, not as the entire senior class could hear every single thing the dumbass was saying on the school bus that was transporting us to our class trip to the National Museum of the Arts.

Some were craning their necks to see who was telling the lascivious story, others were trying their damndest to ignore every word coming out of the dirty asshole's mouth.

I was firmly in the category of those trying to ignore him, but with the sheer volume of his voice, that was becoming near impossible.

"I wanted to hear what happened next," Leah piped up next to Colton.

I hid my shiver of disgust as she trailed her hands all over him as if he hadn't just had sex with someone else the night before.

There was nothing wrong with having multiple sex partners, but at least wait until the sweat cools before jumping in with the next person, damn.

It didn't help that Leah was attempting to make me jealous, which was the funniest (worst?) part of it all, considering that I had been the one to break up with her after she cheated on me following our first (and only) time.

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