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Screw boys

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Screw boys. 

Screw them and their beautiful faces. 

Their sculpted bodies, staggering height, drool-inducing cologne smell, swirling pools of icy blue eyes...


Screw them and their infuriating asshole friends. 

Screw them and their need to call me and my best friend 'scholarship pussy' just because we weren't rich. 

Screw them and their need to be racist assholes to the only friend that I'd made at the cesspool that was Hartingrove Academy. 

And most importantly--SCREW Parker Hartingrove and his annoying way to make my heart skip in my chest like no other boy has ever been able to do before--not even in bed.

You're just full of surprises, aren't you?

I shoved his voice out of my head.  

One past memory with Parker notwithstanding, the boy was a complete stranger.


I was pissed off. 

I hated this new school. 

I only had one friend, and even that was tenuous at best considering the fact that I'd known her for a total of one-and-a-half-months. 

We'd been thrown together the first day of senior year at Hartingrove, and while we each had our own reasons for starting a brand new school for our last year of high school there, we had just clicked instantly. 

It helped that the rest of the school kept a wide berth around the both of us, unwilling to make new friends so late in the game. 

So it was Cami and Mori against the world.  

Or, more accurately, against Carter and sometimes even Colton. 

I'd never asked him about it, about how he seemed like a completely different person at home than he did in school. 

At his house, he was courteous, polite, quiet, shy, funny, and even sweet sometimes. 

At school?  He was a typical overgrown playground bully, following every word from Carter's mouth as if he were the one who was the dean's son and not Parker.  

It was only early October and even I could discern the social hierarchy structure in the school. 

Parker and his little group of athletes and assholes were at the very top, then of course you've got the girls who are always at their side--Leah Maren (the only senior girl in the group), Kennedy Mercer and Victoria Vanderberg, the three of them lighting the halls with their various styles of uniform that somehow didn't get them in trouble for being in violation of the dress code. 

They weren't all terrible--Victoria had once helped pick up my books for me when I'd dropped them on the ground in front of everyone, giving me a smile and introducing herself in the process. 

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