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My throat bobbed once, twice, three times. 

Sweet, sweet bliss entered my veins as I remembered a different time.  One with sunshine and rainbows and happiness and the beautiful shine of my mother's love that radiated down on me like the luminous stars in the dark night sky. 

Those stars winked out the night she died, and they only just started coming back to life.

"What do you want, Colton?"

He stalked forward a step, a predator circling in, sizing up his prey.  But I wouldn't be an easy target—not this time. 

Fuck this asshole. 

Who was he to try and threaten me—to try to make me cower in fear and tremble beneath his punishing gaze?

I'd allowed him to victimize me once before, and I wasn't going to let him do that to me again. 

"What do I want?  Well, I'm looking at it."

I sharpened my gaze, the only tools in my arsenal being my attitude and my words, so I made sure that they didn't miss their mark where I threw them. 

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean.  I'm a person, not an object.  Try again."

"Shit, you got feistier since the last time we were together.  What, you not enjoy yourself one time and then you're suddenly not into me anymore?  That's rude, Cami.  Really rude."

"That's unfortunate that you feel that way."

He could've growled with the amount of menace in his voice, with the volume of frustration swimming in his dead eyes. 

He'd grown less terrifying in the past two weeks; like the happiness and contentedness that I'd been surrounded with basking in Grey's glow had eradicated the memories of our last encounter. 

Like I wasn't powerless anymore. 

He stalked closer and closer, and I knew I shouldn't have done it—knew I should've stood my ground, but the instinctual fear took over and that damn fight or flight kicked in, and I took one small step back. 

Colton noticed.  Of course, he did.  He noticed everything.

Because he thought he was in control, but he didn't know that I wasn't going to take it anymore.  I wasn't going to lie down and take it. 

I would no longer freeze. 

No, I would fight until every drop of blood left me and covered him in the evidence of his evil. 

"I'm tired of you playing games.  You walking around with Parker's freak of a brother at school and all around town, like I wouldn't find out?  Do you know who my father is?"

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