Epilogue - Part 3

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"Seriously?  I'm trying to run a tight ship here.  This isn't free labor."

"Uh, technically it is free.  You're teaching us how to paint cave art."

"Smart ass."

Ever since he'd gotten his voice back Grey had been nothing but a smart ass.  It wasn't like I was actually complaining, though.  I would've given anything for him to talk back to me the way he had been just six months ago.  Now that it was actually happening, it was hard to believe sometimes. 

"Cami, try to use a relaxed hand when you're spreading the paint."

"Yeah, babe.  Relax your hand."

Grey sidled up beside her and slipped his hands around her waist and she giggled.  She actually fucking giggled.  

Jesus, these two were disgusting. 

I hid my smile though.  I didn't want them to know their PDA actually made me happy. 

It wasn't the PDA in itself that made me happy.  No, that I could do without seeing constantly.  It was the happiness shining clear and true on both of their faces that forced the smile from hiding and back onto my face where it belonged. 

Cami and Grey could finally relax.  Colton was sentenced to seven to ten years in the state penitentiary where her father was currently doing time for the murder of his mother.  

Normally when a man was accused of sexual assault or harassment, it went either unpunished or completely ignored, but in this case with dozens of women coming forward after he'd attacked her at the high school on camera, the case had garnered national attention.  

His trial was publicized across the world, and he wasn't given the option for parole.  He was going to serve his entire sentence, and be on the sex offender's list for the rest of his life when he got out.  If he got out.  Sex offenders didn't do well in prison with other inmates who'd committed different crimes. 

Alec came up to my side and I pulled back to look up into his brown eyes.  There were stars in them, floating through his irises in the dim amber light of the cavern.

"Abstract this time?  What's this one supposed to be?"

"A monster...confronting his own inner demons."

I didn't tell him what it was actually referring.  The monster was me, and the demons were the people in the world around me.  

Though I wasn't nearly as conflicted as Alec, I still had my own issues to work through before I could be truly happy with the turns and twists my life had taken. 

I finally remembered the reason I'd gotten into a fight with Colton the night I'd met Cami at the football game and my concussion had kept me from remembering the events. 

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