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Third POV:

Diamond made her way to her workplace with just one thought in mind, she was going to quit.
After a lot of reflection on her part, she finally decided that she needed space, space from Shawn.
Afterall they both worked at the same resturant, with him being a chef and she a waitress.

The job was good and the pay even better, with a peaceful and fancy ambience and huge tips from the rich costumers that dined there, most of them were snobby but the tips were quite satisfactory.

She really didn't want to quit, everyone was so nice and professional, but she also didn't want to face Shawn everyday.
He helped her get that job after she moved from her 'parents', she didn't want him thinking that she was indebted to him.
Yes she was that stubborn and her pride wouldn't let his betrayal go that easily.

She sighed as she stood infront of the big building, gathering the courage to face everyone, especially Shawn.
Today was a Wednesday, which meant she had an afternoon shift.
After a mental debate on where to head to first, she decided to go straight to the manager's office.
She knocked twice and heard a come in from the other side.
She gulped, suddenly feeling nervous she wipped her sweaty palms on her black slacks, sure she dressed up in her work attire but she didn't have any intention of working today.

She gently pushed down on the doornob and she entered, fancy and fragile China ware decorated the lavish office, her manager looked up at her and a small smile graced her face.

Mrs Chang was what everyone called her, she was a strict Asian woman in her late forties,
with short dark hair and beautiful slanted eyes, everyone here liked her even though she was strict,she was kind and wasn't as stuck up as most people in such high positions were, this resturant was a well known establishment across the whole of California.

"Good afternoon Mrs Chang" Diamond greeted and faintly returned her smile.
Honestly she didn't plan this out, yes she had thought it through but the problem was how to break it to her collegues and employer about her depature.
Diamond closed the door behind her and moved further into the room.

"Afternoon, have a seat please, is there anything I could do for you"Mrs Chang asked, directing all her atention to Diamond.

Clearing her throat, Diamond sat down and nervously looked at her."Umm, actually I came here to inform you about my desicion to resign from this establishment"

Mrs Chang froze and she  blinked. She wasn't expecting that at all.
Diamond was one of their best waitresses and a personal favorite of her's, the girl was professional and dedicated to her job so this came as a complete shock to her.

"Oh, well Diamond that's so unfortunate, I hope it has nothing to do with the working conditions, if so then we can always have an al-"

"Oh no Mrs Chang, I assure you it has nothing to do with the establishment, it's just for personal reasons thats all"
Diamond finished with a smile.
She felt touched that Mrs Chang thought about her comfort but she also felt guilty for quiting on her out of the blue.
Mrs Chang nodded in understanding.

"But today's the last month and payday, why don't you just do it for the last day today"
Mrs Chang suggested.
Diamond blinked, thinking it through, it wouldn't hurt to do this one last time, she'd just have to avoid him.

She looked up and smiled at her.
"Sure Mrs Chang, thank you for understanding" She said and got up to leave.

"No problem dear, take care" Mrs Chang got up as well, escorting her to the door.

"I will, thanks again" She smiled and stepped out. She sighed as she fanned her face.

"Just for today" she whispered.
She'd have to start looking for a new job soon.

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