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Diamond's POV

"Wait, slow down, I can't keep up"

I heaved while I bent over, resting my hands on my knees in the middle of the large hallway.

It baffled me how she was able to walk so fast that I literally had to run after her.

"Wow, you're really out of shape" I glared at the girl who had a smirk on her face.

"Listen little girl, go apologize to the man, you made him angry and I don't wanna lose this job because of you" I spat as I stood to my full hieght, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Maybe you didn't get anything that happened or you're just in denial but you work for me now, so I don't think you should be the one ordering me around" She mirrored my actions, that creepy smirk still on her face.

Don't punch her, don't do it, she's just a child, she's just a child. I chanted in my head, my hands itching to whoop the disrespect out of her.

I sighed "Look, you're clearly a rich kid who doesn't know the stuggles of this world, I really need this job and you've possibly ruined my chance at it"
She rolled her eyes and I corked a brow.

"Didn't you hear me or are you just slow to words, I said you now work for me and I'll pay you ten times the amount that man was going to pay you"

"Okay, wait...just how exactly, I don't get it" I said as I made gestures with my hands.

"Look, I'm doing you a favor, which I don't usually do, like ever, so you should be grateful because I may have just saved you from potential heartbreak" Wow, Okay.

"Well....Okay" What else was I supposed to say?

"Great, I have no use for you but maybe you could be my lab rat or assist me in making that man's life miserable" She smirked again.

"Now you see, I'm black, like, hmm, we don't do that kinda stuff" I explained and she stared at me weirdly and muttered words in Italian- I'm guessing.

That seemed to draw my attention because she had a perfect American accent unlike her dad. "Your accent, it's American" I awkwardly pointed out, we were now walking further down the hallway and this time I wasn't running after her.

"Well that's because I have a higher IQ than the average human hence my brain tends to adapt to change faster, I guess you can call me a genius" She said with that proud air of arrogance just like her dad.

"Well you can call me a baddie because I don't give a...- I had to pause, remembering that she was still a child.

She looked at me and rolled her eyes, nothing else.

This might be a lot difficult than I thought.


"You know for an eleven year old you sure are....unique" I muttered the last part, staring in awe at the large dark room filled of gadgets and nick nacks, AKA her lair.

Pfft. I know right?

"Don't touch that" She hissed and I withdrew my outstretched hand that was about to touch the glowy bally thingy.

"If I'm being honest here, you're the first human I've ever let come here, this should be a privilege to you" This little girl never seized to amaze me.

"Okay, so what do I do now?" I awkwardly scratched my head, I could be street racing or doing some crazy fun ish like that, but money mattered and quite frankly I didn't even know my standing in this 'job'.

"Don't disturb me" She shrugged and took a seat on the stool in front of a table full of parts and pieces of wires and other electronic stuff.

I watched as she took a screw driver, doing some weird shit with it and my intrest was piqued.

I approached her, standing directly infront of her to get a better view of what she was doing.

She clicked her tongue and looked up at me. "One thing you should know about me is that I hate people" She smiled and I corked a brow.

"Then why'd you bring me here?" I retorted and a corner of her smile dropped, a loopsided grin coming into view.

"You're my lab rat remember, I get to try out some of my inventions on you" I couldn't make out anything from the tone of her voice but she has got to be playing.

"There's no way, okay look, if we are gonna be serious about... you being my employer-sigh- we need to discuss the terms of agreement" I realised that I was the adult between the two of us, I wasn't about to let some little girl dictate what I should do.

She stared at me for almost a minute until that creepy smile broke out on her face. "Fine, state your terms"

"Yes, first of,you do not get to treat me like your 'lab rat', you treat me with respect or else I'll go back to your father and settle for whatever amount he's willing to pay, I'm not about to be disrespected by you because of money" I stated.

"Right?" I corked a brow and her eye twitched in irritation.

"Sure, whatever you say" She finally smiled.

"Okay, now secondly, I get to wear what I feel comfortable in, no heels and no tight uncomfortable work clothes"

"That works for me, I don't really care what you wear anyway" She smirked at me.

"Good, now this one's very important, I do not want to work unreasonable hours"

"What's your definition of unreasonable?" She chidded.

"Well I don't really know but the maximum I can do is 12, 12 hours and that's it" I

"Fine, don't worry about transport, a driver will be available to pick you up and send you back home" She had a bored look on her face as she nonchalantly stated.

"Well umm, thanks"

"Yeah whatever, anything else?"

I took a moment to think, was there anything else? I don't think so.
"No, thats all" I confirmed.

"Great, now my condition" Oh Lord.

"Whatever you do, do not fall for that man, I'm warning you, don't fall for his tricks and advances, he's a sly old brute and I can see he's set his sights on you, don't fall for him,get it?"

"That man is your father"

"That's not the point.Do you get what I'm saying? Don't fall for him" She ignored my statement as she pointedly stared at me.

"Yes, I won't fall for him"

"Good" She smiled again.
This girl is possibly the most scariest kid I've met.

But there was no way I was gonna fall for her dad, not a chance.


"Thank you Richard" I subtly smiled at the older man when he opened the door for me. It was somewhere around 8 o'clock and he had just dropped me back home.

I let out a breathy exhaile as I finally reached my apartment.
Grabbing my keys from my purse, I jammed it into the key hole but even before I could twist it someone tapped my shoulder and I shrieked in fright as I turned around.

"Oh my, Mrs Turnner, you scared me" I heaved, clutching my keys to my chest. It was one of the neighbors and I had no doubt that she was here to nose around.

"Dear, I'm sorry I gave you a fright but I just wanted to, you know, say hi and just check on you" She lightly laughed, small wrinkles forming around her green eyes.

"Really? Wow thanks, how come you're doing this now" I mused, I most definitely knew that she was hear for gossip, most likely the fact that a luxurious car picked me up.

"Oh but there's a first time for everything, right" She smiled, proceeding to touch me and I swiftly moved away.

"Haha" I awkwardly laughed.

"Well thank's for checking up on me Mrs. Turnner" I placed the key in the door and opened it, quickly stepping inside before she could follow me.

"B-but whose car-"

"Have a good night" I yelled, slamming the door behind me, these people really couldn't mind their own business.


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