Chapter Seven

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They had completely forgotten the time. It was as if someone had stopped them. The Encanto seemed far away, as if it were just a village in the distance, although it was quite close. The birds were chirping and the water was lapping. Lucia's chest rose and fell with her hiccups and Bruno tried to stifle a laugh. He thought her hiccups were cute, but he knew Lucia probably didn't feel the same way.

Neither of them knew how long they sat there comforting each other. Bruno enjoyed this closeness, he felt understood by Lucia even if they didn't speak a single word. He wasn't sure if she had understood him before or if it only came about because she had been disappointed by her family - or rather, because she had disappointed her family, but he didn't care that much either. He cared more than Lucia was with him right now and he with her.

"I think we need to get up," Lucia said at some point. "My feet fell asleep," Bruno released his arms from her and she stood up. "This feels so gross," she whined as she did a funny dance.

Bruno had to laugh, he couldn't just stifle it. Lucia looked at him crossly. "I swear I wish your sleeves would slip down when you wash your hands."

"Oh, no!", Bruno posed dramatically. "How can you curse me? I thought we had a special bond and now you just stab me in the back? Shame on you!"

They looked at each other for half a minute and then they both burst out laughing - well, Bruno's laugh was loud, Lucia's remained silent.

When they had calmed down again, they walked back to the village. It was early afternoon and there was a lot of bustles. From the looks of it, the first preparations were being made for La Fiesta de la Vela, a festival that has been celebrated during the summer months for almost twenty years. It is a celebration in gratitude for the miracle that gave birth to Encanto. You pay tribute to the magic candle and are grateful for all the beauty that surrounds you. Bruno had almost forgotten that it was going to take place in the next few days, usually standing to the side watching the musicians with their accordions, guitars and drums and the inhabitants of Encanto dancing to the music or enjoying delicious food. But this year would certainly be different, Bruno thought, because Lucia was there.

"What are they doing here?" asked Lucia as she watched the men hanging lanterns between the houses. "They are decorating for La Fiesta de la Vela," Bruno explained. "I told you about the candle in Casita, didn't I? The fiesta is to thank her for the miracle. It will take place in a few days and then there will be a whole evening of dancing, eating and, of course, thinking of and giving thanks for the beautiful things in life."

"Are we going together?" asked Lucia straightforwardly. "Um - sure," even though Bruno had assumed that they would spend the evening there together, he had still been a little surprised for a moment.

"I'm glad," Lucia grinned. "I find the story of Encanto so interesting. The fact that the whole village is more or less made of pure magic ... that fascinates me so much."

"I'd tell you more if there was more, but I think you already know everything," Bruno agreed.

They continued to walk through the village, talking about Encanto and the upcoming festival, while Bruno noticed, spellbound, how the rays of the sun caught the greens of Lucia's eyes and made them glow. But it was not only her eyes that shone but also her smile, a beautiful smile, he had to remark. He was glad that she was able to do so again when only a few hours before a part of her heart had been broken.

"What are you thinking about?", Lucia asked him suddenly. "Huh?"

"You looked so absent-minded like you were thinking. About what?"

"Oh, nothing special," Bruno tried to think of a topic to distract himself, because he was reluctant to say that he had just been thinking about Lucia her eyes and her smile. Then his eyes fell on a group of children scratching bored with sticks on the ground. "Look! The little ones don't seem to be having the time of their lives."

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