Chapter Twenty-Six

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Bruno closed his eyes as Lucia stroked his forehead. He had lain down, his head nestled in her lap, and was enjoying the moment, the peace. Now and then a fresh breeze blew over their heads and the birds chirped happily.

The sun was now fully up, shining down bright and warm on the earth. It was a beautiful day.

Lucia threw a grape into her mouth but missed, which is why it fell into Bruno's face. "Oops," she went.

He screwed up his face but grinned. "Where did it roll to?" he asked, looking around without sitting up.

Lucia shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, but I have another one here," this time she put the grape straight into her mouth.

Bruno looked at her beggingly. "Please?" he asked coaxingly.

She rolled her eyes and stretched to reach the grapes - but as she held them above Bruno's head, she changed her mind at the last moment and threw them back into her mouth - and scored.

"Hey!" complained Bruno. "I'm starving down here!"

"Then do yourself a favour and get something to eat," Lucia leaned back and let the sunshine on her face. "It's totally warm," she said.

"I think it's getting hotter too," Bruno muttered, trying to fish for grapes.

Lucia showed mercy and gave him the bunch of grapes. "Are you lucky that my heart belongs to you?"

Bruno grinned rather smugly, eating his grapes with a gauzy red glow on his cheeks.

They spent a few more hours in the mountains. Bruno became drowsy from the warmth and it wasn't long before he fell asleep with Lucia still brushing his hair out of his face.

He didn't know how long he had slept, but when he woke up the heat was unbearable. It was as if they were in the desert. It was so warm that Bruno took off his poncho because otherwise, he would have had a heat stroke - probably.

"I could lie here in the sun forever," Lucia sighed.

"Not me," Bruno agreed. "I'm going to burn here," he sat up and grinned at Lucia. He felt really warm. "I think the temperatures are particularly high today."

"So today is going to be a lazy day," she brushed a strand of hair out of his face that was stuck to his forehead. "You're always telling me you're struggling with your demons. I have my demons. I know love is difficult for you - and yet you love me. But love is difficult for me too - only our difficulties differ."

"But I think we get along quite well," Bruno agreed, leaning in for a kiss.

"Yes, we do"

A few minutes later Lucia was also getting too hot and they packed up. They gave the horses some more water and an apple each and then they rode back to Encanto.

Bruno would never be even a fan of riding. If it was necessary, he could do it now, but he preferred walking more.

Lucia, however, loved riding, he could see that. Hopefully, however, the number of times they went riding together would remain rather small.

"We have to start rehearsals soon," Lucia called out to him.


"Our play," she repeated. "We have to start rehearsals - and the posters!"

"If we don't have anything else planned for today," Bruno suggested. "Then we can do the posters. It's too warm for rehearsing"

"Sensitive," Lucia teased him, but she nodded. "But you're right. I have no desire to put a bucket over my head in this heat."

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