When Tirpitz ship sank Tirpitz the shipgirl itself survived with her left arm gone and was saved by the Ironblood soldiers and scientists who are secretly hiding in Norway and experimented her for there project called "Winter Soldier" to spread fear...
We could see an woman wearing and hospital gown and has white hair lying on the bed, That's Tirpitz but since her memories were destroyed or jumbled she won't remember her name and because of this the Female scientists decided to name her "Tina"
And now an nurse is coming inside her room to check her vitals until Tina(Tirpitz) starts to open her eyes slowly
Tina: H-huh?
As the Nurse hear this she called the doctors to tell them she is awake
A few Minutes later
We could see Tina starting to get out of bed but she almost fall but luckily she manage to get over it and starts to look at her condition
Tina: I'm fine but what's my name Again I can't remember and what the?!
she looked at her left arm it was made of machinery
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(Imagine it's the whole Left arm)
Tina: W-What happened to my arm I-I can't remember anything *slowly starts to panic*
???: That because you lost all of you memories due to an accident
and then Tina looked at the source of the voice and saw an Female scientist
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Thessa: Call me Dr. Thessa Gears, Ms. Tina, I will be your guardian for awhile
Tina: So that's my name...
Thessa: Yes we saw you in the snow a year ago bleeding a lot of blood and you left arm missing the reason that your in that state is unknown but all we know is that another nations(They Framed the British and Americans) are experimenting you because you could for a long period of time as matter of fact could live forever
Tina: I see so I've been Asleep for a year
Thessa: Correct, And We The Ironblood will help you recover your memories if we can and help you to get your revenge
Tina: I-I see I'll cooperate with you then
and then as days passed Tina's skills were tested from using any type of gun, planning, assassinating, saying different languages, and hand to hand combat which she all passed
This is because while she was in a coma a year ago they put some injected some chemicals that could improve her abilities at her body and wisdom cube
And after a year she was ready for doing missions, she was called by the Ironblood officers with researchers at the room and then sits at the Chair
As she sits in the chair one of the Ironblood Officers took an small red book
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and then Tina's stands up like being controlled and spoke
Tina: What are your Orders
and then all of the Officers and researcher smirked as this happened except for Thessa who is a little bit sad
Ironblood Officer: Within three days Tina, The Americans will experiment one of our allies KMS Prinz Eugen, I want you to assassinate Prinz Eugen so they couldn't get any Information about our technology