Episode 7

607 15 4

5 days Later

We could see Evelyn heading to the Azur Lane HQ until something exploded there and then immediately Evelynruns at the base as fast as she could

At Bismarck's situation

We could see Bismarck coughing badly as the explosion came in front of meeting room

As few minutes ago Bismarck, Enterprise, Belfast, and Victorious are talking at the meeting room about how to stop Tirpitz from killing until and grenade dropped in the center of the meeting table from the vent and exploded making Everyone Unconscious except for her

and then Tirpitz came down from the vent and then Injected something at Bismarck's neck making her body more weak and then Tirpitz shot Bismarck's legs making Bismarck scream at pain and then she spoke weakly

Bismarck: S-Schwester please stop this isn't you

Tina(Tirpitz): You're not my sister, don't call me that and die already

as Tirpitz was about to pull the trigger to shot Bismarck's head Victorious Tackle's her as she woken up and then Victorious swings her staff at Tirpitz stomach making Tirpitz slam outside 10 meters from the burning meeting room and dropping her gun

and then Enterprise and Belfast starts to wake up and carry's Bismarck out of the room and escaped the room and head to safety Leaving Victorious to fight Tirpitz in hand to hand combat(except for Tirpitz she brought an knife with her)

Tirpitz: Why do I have an feeling I know you and it makes me hate you every minute, every second I see your face *pulls out her knife*

Victorious: Come and fight me and we'll find out!

eversince the 1957 incident before Victorious got scrapped she practiced Martial art's and Hand to hand combat for the next time they both met

And so both of them attacked each other with Tirpitz trying to pin Victorious so she could inject the same serum she used at Bismarck, While Victorious dodging Tirpitz attack and was trying to find an opening

until Tirpitz was about to pin Victorious except Victorious Accidentally slips her footing causing them both to fall at the floor and this happens:

until Tirpitz was about to pin Victorious except Victorious Accidentally slips her footing causing them both to fall at the floor and this happens:

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(Bottom: Victorious, Top: Tirpitz)

(What I ship them is there a problem?!)

and because of this Tirpitz managed to inject Victorious at the stomach making Victorious a little weak(Note: The Reason Victorious didn't react in time because she somehow Almost fantasize about this happening to the both of them back then if only Ironblood and the Royal Navy aren't at war and at the worst timing possible?!?!?!)

And then Victorious senses came back, she feels she can't move and then Tirpitz stands up and then picks up the gun and was about to shoot Victorious until Evelyn came and says the word that were used to remote control Tirpitz causing Observer Alpha to speak those worse again inside Tirpitz head and then Evelyn said those words again with Observer Alpha doing the same causing Tirpitz brain to malfunction and then she drops the gun and lost consciousness 

To be continued 

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