Episode 8

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After the incident the base was repaired while Tirpitz is delivered to the Hospital where scientist where trying to find a way to remove the words to control her and with Evelyn's help they managed to remove it from Tirpitz mind with the vial the Evelyn has that was passed into generations 

The Vial contains some chemicals that the scientist never discovered before and then they mixed the contents of it inside Tirpitz Wisdom cube which resets Tirpitz's brain to forgot the mind control word completely and it restore some few piece's of Tirpitz past and she got to keep her memories

The Next Day 

We could see Tirpitz Waking up and then she looked at her surroundings and she noticed she was wearing a hospital gown and then she holds her hand to feel an collar in her neck

Tina(Tirpitz): What is this?

and then Evelyn and Victorious enters the room 

Evelyn: That is an Unbreakable Waterproof Shock and Tracking Collar, Created by the Ironblood scientist to prevent from escaping this time 

Tina(Tirpitz): Ironblood huh?

Victorious: Correct and since the Government is still deciding what to do with you they given us the task to keep an eye for you while we recover your ship in Norway

Tina(Tirpitz): What did you mean my ship?

Evelyn: You really forgot didn't you?, Your KMS Tirpitz, a Shipgirl and the second ship of the Bismarck class

Tina(Tirpitz): Bismarck?, why does her name sound familiar...

Evelyn: And by the way, The Name's Evelyn Gears, my Great Grandmother was Thessa Gear you knew her right?

Tina(Tirpitz): Yeah she was my guardian and my friend before the Last Ironblood HQ in Norway was fallen and destroyed by the soviets I made sure she'll be safe from them before I surrender 

Evelyn: I see-

Victorious: Commander the ship is already here

Evelyn: That fast already

Victorious: Yep

Evelyn: I see then Ms. Tina you must change so you go get out of the hospital we didn't replace your cloths but we confiscated your weapons hidden there to make sure you can't kill anymore people, we'll leave you for awhile then

and then as they left Tina tried to break the collar with her metal arm but failed and then she changed back to her outfit before she got captured and then Evelyn and Victorious escorted her to the docks

At the Docks 

We could see Bismarck and Prinz Eugen waiting for Evelyn and Victorious escorting Tirpitz until they saw then

Bismarck: Commander

Evelyn: Hello Bismarck

Prinz Eugen: Hello to you to Tirpitz

Tina(Tirpitz): I told you my name is Tina, do you want to die again

Prinz Eugen: Oh my are you sure you could still kill me, Sooner or Later you'll get used to that name

Evelyn: Okay enough Prinz Eugen she is still recovering and by the way before we could continue I have to test something

and then the shipgirls backed away a bit while Evelyn hold the remote to activate the collar incase Tina(Tirpitz) Done something 

Evelyn: "Verlangen, Weisheit, Traum, Zwei, Verlassen, Vergessen, Tod, Wiederherstellung, Ehre, Schnee"("Desire, Wisdom, Dream, Two, Forsaken, Forgotten, Death, Restoration, Honor, Snow")

and then Tina(Tirpitz) suddenly holds her head a little and spoke

Tina(Tirpitz): What are those words for?

Evelyn: My Great Grandmother's formula works with that aside let's head to you ship

To be continued

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