Episode 2

672 18 13

This is the Clothes that will Tina will wear:

Coat(Imagine it also has an hood)(Note: Its also an bulletproof vest cause why not? German Science):

Coat(Imagine it also has an hood)(Note: Its also an bulletproof vest cause why not? German Science):

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And her weapons for the this mission

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And her weapons for the this mission



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July 24, 1946

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July 24, 1946

10:00 PM

Eagle Union Territory

NE Lagoon, Bikini Atoll

After 2 days of travelling Tina finally is at her destination and was currently wearing an mask that could prevent her from smelling the radiation

Her mask:

Currently her target was located here at the Bikini Atoll were they are currently experimenting KMS Prinz Eugen and with this information Tina headed here but Radiation spreads at the Area giving Tina a mask that could make Radiation into fresh air

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Currently her target was located here at the Bikini Atoll were they are currently experimenting KMS Prinz Eugen and with this information Tina headed here but Radiation spreads at the Area giving Tina a mask that could make Radiation into fresh air

As she looks for her Target she saw an big house in a cliff

As she looks for her Target she saw an big house in a cliff

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and so she head to the house and looks for her target

But Unknown to her The Ironblood Officers lied to her that Prinz Eugen is being Experimented for her tech the Truth is She is being used for Operation Crossroads to see if shipgirls could survive Nuclear blasts, For the Ironblood Prinz Eugen became an traitor because she surrendered to here enemy

As she heads to the house she uses her stealth to check the windows and climbs at the pipes of the house to look at the second floor and saw her target reading an book alone and so she wait for her target to fall asleep 

and as her target falls asleep she opens the window slowly and quietly and then she injected something at her targets neck

It's an chemical that could weaken an shipgirls body making them vulnerable to guns and knife like an human 

and and then she loaded her gun and aims it at Prinz Eugen and was about to pull the trigger 

Only for Prinz Eugen to wake up put Tina's gun away and was about to escape or call for help

But Tina pulled out her knife and covers Prinz Eugen mouth and stabs her at the stomach 3 times making her bleed a lot making her unconscious 

Tina Thought she died and her mission is complete and now she need to find a way to make everyone think Prinz Eugen is at her ship already dead and so she made a plan

The Next day

We could see The Shipgirls that are going to participate the Operation waking up and saw an note from Prinz Eugen that she is already at her ship and was heading to the coordinate where the Experiment will take place

The Shipgirls where suspicious but they checked Prinz Eugen room it was perfectly clean and her window is closed and so they prepared for the Operation

08:34 Am in the morning

As they head to the are of the ocean they saw Prinz Eugen's ship and was shocked to see Prinz Eugen in an life and death state and rushed towards her ship to heal her injuries

until the officers of the tell them that the bomb was about to be dropped at there position and then Nevada tried to cancel off the operation

Nevada: Sir please cancel the Operation-

but it was to late the bomb was dropped and it detonated sure it didn't kill them but it Killed Prinz Eugen completely

and from the distance we could see Tina riding on a airplane with her Mask of watching the Big Mushroom cloud on the sky and spoke

Tina: Target is killed

To be continued

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