Episode 9

540 15 4

At the Docks 

As they slowly head to the docks Tina(Tirpitz) could see a Battleship docked there

And as Tina(Tirpitz) Look in Awe Bismarck smiled to see her sister smiling and spoke

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And as Tina(Tirpitz) Look in Awe Bismarck smiled to see her sister smiling and spoke

Bismarck: That's your ship Tir- I mean Tina

Tina(Tirpitz): E-EH?!, My Ship?!

Evelyn: Correct As I said You're a shipgirl also known as a KANSEN You could control your ship without humans operating it, Give it a try

Tina(Tirpitz): Okay then, Umm All main guns turn to the left

and then the Main guns of the ship turns to the left shocking Tina(Tirpitz)

Tina(Tirpitz): So it really is my ship

Evelyn: Correct and when your going to use it on water you'll just have to say Tirpitz, Engage!

Tina(Tirpitz): That name again... Maybe next time

Bismarck: Very Well then Because your ship is now being repaired it will take a week before it could be used completely 

and then they returned to the Azur Lane HQ

As they head there Some of the NATO officials are there to talk about what there going to do with Tirpitz and then following plan was given:

1. Tina(Tirpitz) will point the people she helped during her time in Ironblood and arrest them(If they do something wrong to the people) 

2. Tina(Tirpitz) will be guarded strictly by the Commander

and 3. Tina(Tirpitz) must Cooperate with the Government

If these conditions are fulfilled All charges against her will be removed effectively

And so the next day Tina(Tirpitz) starts to track down the people she helped to check if they do something good at there positions given to them

Out of 200(Meaning she killed 200 people starting from 1946-1991) people she helped to gain those positions only 20 of them do good thing the rest done bad resulting them being killed by Tina(Tirpitz) or was Arrested by the Government

And then When The Government has nothing to give to Tina(Tirpitz) Evelyn trained Tina(Tirpitz) on how to use her rigging and her ship which causes Tirpitz memories to come back little by little making Bismarck and the other Shipgirls from the Ironblood happy 

And during her stay there Victorious always annoys and asks her some questions one way or another and Evelyn has to make sure the two won't get into a fight 

Until Evelyn decided to make them friends by putting them at the same dorm 

A few Hours later

We could see Tina(Tirpitz) carrying her stuff and was heading to the new room that The Commander has set for her

and then when she opens the door to the new room she saw Victorious looking around the room 

Tina(Tirpitz)/Victorious: ..../....

Tina(Tirpitz)/Victorious: What are you doing here?!/EHHHHH?!

Victorious: The Commander says that I'll stay here for the meantime since my dorm is being renovated and says that I have another shipgirl to stay here to for the meantime

Tina(Tirpitz): You gotta be kidding me

the reason Tina(Tirpitz) doesn't like Victorious because she is the one who killed her back then and even thou Victorious already said sorry to her she still doesn't like her because of her Aura, Its full of joy and happiness causing Tina(Tirpitz) to act different when she's around

But still until the Commander fix the situation she'll have to stay with Victorious for awhile

To be continued

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