When Tirpitz ship sank Tirpitz the shipgirl itself survived with her left arm gone and was saved by the Ironblood soldiers and scientists who are secretly hiding in Norway and experimented her for there project called "Winter Soldier" to spread fear...
"Finally I finished all of the paperwork" Evelyn Gears said as the Current Commander of Azur Lane
Evelyn Gears is a Woman 24 years old born in London and was one of the people who witnessed the Azur Lane fighting against the sirens for a long time, to achieve peace and so she studied hard and enlisted herself at the navy and rose up from the ranks
and then we could see her wearing the necklace that her Great Grandmother(Thessa Gears) was wearing
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(Imagine the liquid is blue)
and as she finished her paperwork Enterprise entered the room as she was in an hurry shocking Evelyn
Enterprise: Commander!!!
Evelyn: AHH, Don't scare me like that, You almost gave me an heart attack!
Enterprise: Sorry Commander *rubs her head in embarrassment*
Evelyn: It's alright since you're here is there an problem?
Enterprise: There was an cargo being delivered to us containing an person from Russia and we are commanded to guard it until the scientists came and deliverer it into an lab
Evelyn: I see I'll be on my way
and then Enterprise left with Evelyn fixing the room and left shortly
A few Minutes later
At the hallway of the Azur Lane HQ
We could see Commander Evelyn, Enterprise, Belfast, Bismarck, KGV, and Victorious walking with the men(10 to be exact) guarding and delivering the chamber where the person is contained into the room
Evelyn: So any information about the person containing it?
Guard: No but it was discovered during an siren attack in an old Soviet era building with one of the siren escaping with an book but that's all we have
Evelyn: I see-
Guard2: Hey kid watch out!
as Evelyn looked at the front she saw Javelin was about to fall from running fast and accidentally hits the Container alerting everyone to get away from the container as its door opened itself
Evelyn: Javelin Stay behind me okay
Javelin: Y-y-yes Commander
and then the 10 guards surrounded the chamber with there guns up and then one of them walks closer to the entrance and spoke
Guard3: I think it's still asleep-
and then an metal arm punches through the guards heart shocking everyone in the room and Evelyn closing Javelin's eyes before the event happened but Victorious fall at the ground and was terrified and then the rest pf the shipgirls(except for Bismarck) pointed there weapons(Not Riggings) inside the chamber and then Victorious spoke
Victorious: I-I-I-It can't be, SHOT IT IMMEDIATELY!!!!
but as the guards were about to do that the figure reveals itself
It was wearing clothes and the mask that Enterprise, KGV, Belfast, and Victorious knew very well
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Belfast: Guard stay back that person will-
But it was to late the Figure moved and killed the remaining guards within 10 seconds, 10 FUCKING SECONDS by using the first guard she killed as an meat shield and an knife spilling the blood in the window of the hallway
And then suddenly Prinz Eugen and Admiral Hipper wearing there riggings entered the corridor as they saw the blood from the window
Prinz Eugen: YOU!!!
and then she charges at the figure by using her rigging, but the figure throws the guards body at her but forgets that Admiral Hipper is there giving Admiral Hipper an chance to pin the figure at the wall using her rigging
as she done this successfully Admiral Hipper spoke as she looked at the gruesome scene that the figure had done
Admiral Hipper: Who the hell is this person?!
Prinz Eugen: That's the one that tries to kill me years ago which she succeeded
and then the Shipgirls were shocked at this and it made Admiral Hipper angry
Admiral Hipper: Oh you're really gonna get it but first I want to see your face before I tore you up
Evelyn: Hipper don't kill it we need that figure a-live!
as Admiral Hipper removes the figures mask everyone in the hallway was shocked (Except for Javelin since her eyes were blocked) including Victorious and Bismarck
it was Bismarck's sister, Tirpitz
Bismarck: T-Tirpitz?
Tina: Who the hell's Tirpitz, my Name is Tina
and then Tina's metal arm destroys the left rigging and pulls an Smoke grenade and throws it at the floor causing an huge pillar of smoke and then Tina escaped from one of the windows, breaking it
Evelyn: Lockdown the whole HQ, NOW!!!
and then the base sounded it's alarm alerting everyone in the base