x. accusiation

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"Knowing Hongjoong, he's probably negotiating a seafood trade deal with the jellyfish down there."

Laughter ripples through the worried crew, seeking humor to alleviate the tension building up on the ship.

The vast expanse of the sea before them— usually a symbol of their bond beneath the sun, hence, Solarion, now feels eerily unsettling without the presence of their Captain and they couldn't help but exchange uneasy glances from time to time.

"The sea god must've been caught up in an argument with Poseidon." Mingi chimed as he walked close to the gunwale, "Which somehow explains why he wasn't brought back to us yet, but who knows? The keeper of the north probably heard his singing skills and decided it was safe to hand over the conch shell."

Jongho chuckled, "Well we better hope he finally has it then."

Wooyoung cheekily smirked as he positioned himself to reach the crow's nest, "Stay attentive. I bet we'll find him singing his heart out somewhere along the shore."

Chuckles elicited from the crew, the tense air momentarily subdued. Though Hongjoong can be potentially in great danger yet here they are, laughing and joking even at such situations.

It was undeniable that this was obviously their way of coping.

Stood silently nearby was Seomi, her lips pale and eyes perturbed as she tightens her grip on the ship's gunwale.

Knowing her condition, she couldn't help but blame herself for being the reason for the danger that could've probably been brought to him. Hongjoong has always been a stoic man, yet it is undeniable that he cherishes everyone in his life and would do anything as the Captain, even if it pushes him to the extent of putting his life at stake. He puts himself above everyone else and it was both a blessing and a curse. Oh, that brave soul of a brother she has.

He never told her about his mission of stealing a crucial possession of the sea either, he did everything under the rug which she only found out when he had gone missing.

And that pained her.

But with the crew by her side, reassuring her with almost every doubt and blame, it eased her heart yet that still does not change the fact that he might have been caught up with something more dangerous or even worse... yet she decided not to think about it.

The stupid misconception that women will only bring misfortune to pirate ships made sense to her. Because she believes she was one.

Just as her thoughts reached their peak, The lookout effortlessly went down the crow's nest, his expression serious and his steps purposeful.

"I think I know where Hongjoong might be," Wooyoung announced, his voice steady.

"Where?" Yunho steps forward.

The lookout takes a deep breath before responding, "There's an island in the north called Portelle which he specifically wrote in the letter to head towards if he ever disappeared. The landmass..." He pauses whilst gesturing towards the faint view of an island coming into view. "Is slowly coming into sight, let's brace ourselves to disembark shall we?"

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