lviii. amphitria

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lvii. amphitria

It turns out that Shiber was tied to the highest point of the mast.

Yunho could no longer help the frustration rising up inside of him as he stared up at the poor toy, dangling precariously against the wind. A heavy sigh escaping his lips.

And it was now his mission to save the stuff toy that the lookout victimized.

He instantly climbed the mast with determined strides, each step fueled by irritation and also willed to bring Shiber back. The salty breeze whipped against his face, yet he paid no mind to it. His eyes remained locked on the toy that was swinging like a helpless soul above.

When he finally reached the top, he swiftly untied the animal with a deft manoeuvre and held it closer to his chest. But the relief that soon followed was short-lived.

Yunho happened to divert his gaze to the sky, and then a dawning realization instantly fell over him like ripples of cold water.

That alone was chilling, and it made his blood cold despite the summer night.

Hanging in the sky were the majestic craters of the moon. But tonight, it was unlikely to be different because it was of a crimson hue. A deep red that painted the entire scene in an ominous light.

And no time was wasted as he rushed his descent down the mast; every moment and breath were fueled by his adrenaline and sense of dread.

They still haven't retrieved the conch shell yet.

And the red moon has already risen.

With a breathless gasp, he pushed through the cabin, expecting to see Sora nestled above the chair and watching over their captain like a sentinel.

Yet it took an unexpected turn when he discovered the captain awake instead, and wrapped around his arms was unmistakably Sora herself. But even despite the initial surprise, that didn't once tamper with his sense of fear.

"The red moon," he breathes out. "It has risen."

Word spread fast above the confines of the deck as all of them burst through the threshold outside, the red moon gleaming above where clouds were slowly beginning to form. It was a sight that made the sailors rush out of their quarters as they faced the gnawing reality.

There's a storm.

And it's stronger than they have ever seen before.

"We are arriving at Petrovox Bay by dawn." The voice of the navigator mingled with the thundering footsteps above the deck, facing Sora with a hand on her shoulder and a reassuring look on his face. "Just hang on a little, okay? Even if we're a few hours late, it'll be alright. We're almost there and that's what matters."

She could only nod in response, yet she knew nothing could ever tamper with the emotions surging inside of her. Not just for herself but also for everyone.

The sky above has already turned into a foreboding shade of black, the storm rolling in with a ferocity that defies limits. Byeol was already glowing and signalling the bearings of the weather that was about to crash on them. The ocean surged beneath, monstrous waves crashing against the hull of the ship.

"Jongho, we've got to trim the sails!" Wooyoung shouted over the howling wind, his words barely audible. "I'll go to the starboard side, you handle the port!"

The two dashed to the deck and worked swiftly, their hands moving deftly despite the slick, rain-soaked ropes. Wooyoung climbed to the starboard side, expertly loosening and tightening ropes to adjust the sails. Jongho mirrored his actions on the other side as they moved from line to line, securing the knots to reduce the potential disaster that was already forming.

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