lv. tears

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please read in your own risk, mention of gore ahead.



lv. tears

Sailors spoke of a guardian whose soul was as relentless as the northern tides.

In the icy depths of the ocean, the waves were both her prison and her throne. All her life was dedicated to only one pursuit.

And that is to protect the heart, in the form of a conch shell.

Sora, they call her. 

A presence as formidable as the storms that lashed the coasts. Her voice was the harbinger of doom that lured sailors into the icy depths.

Those who heard her siren song would feel an irresistible pull, a promise of destruction to anyone who dared to venture close.

Her ethereal beauty masked the danger she embodied, her eyes glinting like shards of ice as she watched ships drift into her domain. But it was the same eyes that would soften as she would gaze at the moon beneath the waters; drinking in its pearly crates that were tenfold larger underneath.

In the currents where the sea is held in delicate balance by four guardians, each presiding over a cardinal direction: west, east, south, and north. The four sisters ensure the harmony of the oceans, protecting their realms with powers unmatched.

And in every moment that a crimson glow would taint the moon, mirroring its bloody depths was a sacred convergence of the guardians' powers. Their relics, vibrant and pulsing with life, are brought together at the centre of the sea. Ensuring that the pulse of the waters remains in balance.

Should any of the hearts be missing, the equilibrium would completely shatter. That itself was the unleashing of chaos upon the seas. Tempests would rage, the tides would turn, and the once-calm depths would churn with fury, threatening all life within and upon the waters.

In short, doom will come.

And just as the seas are about to face their downfall, she can also feel her doom inching closer with each passing second that her feet are being dragged across the ground.

Sora's heart pounded as the unknown man continued to lead her through a sprawling lawn. A magnificent architecture looming in the distance like a sinister fortress. The sunlight bathed the expanse, casting eerie shadows over the meticulously trimmed hedges and vibrant flower beds, now seeming more like barriers than beauty.

“Let me go!” Her voice was hoarse from the endless protest. Yet the grip on her was like iron, heavy and unshaken, despite all her attempts to wriggle out of it.

The grass beneath her feet was slippery, making her struggle even more arduous. She glanced around in hope that someone would intervene. But everything seems to be so desolate.

"You think you can escape?" The man's voice dripped with contempt as he sneered, his fingers digging into her arm like talons. “Your captain's pathetic attempt to hide his crew was already doomed from the start.”

She locked her piercing gaze with him, her jaw clenched against the pain shooting up her arm from his vice-like grip. "You think you can destroy me?" she sneered through gritted teeth, her anger simmering just beneath the surface. "You'll regret doing that, just like everyone else who's tried."

The man's lips curled into a scornful grin in response. "You're a bold one; I'll give you that," he snickered, his grip tightening momentarily before he relaxed it, almost as if he were mocking her defiance. "But that so-called pirate is nothing compared to his father who is the king."

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