Chapter 18

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When the Blind Concubine woke up, his consciousness kept escaping him for quite a while. He felt great, even better than lately, and that was saying a lot. It was not unlike floating on a cloud in the skies. Such a fluffy and exciting feeling.

The Blind Concubine however almost startled out of his skin when he realized after quite a while that he was actually pressed against another human's body. He would never forget the feeling, not after he had once been all but raped by the Emperor.

Sure, it had been the Blind Concubine's will to give himself to the man for the sake of his servant and his freedom. But the Emperor had done with him whatever he had seen fit and the Blind Concubine had then been bedridden for several days. He would not forget how it felt to be held in someone else's hands.

He tried to struggle, to no avail. The other person was apparently sleeping, their breathing was deep and slow. And their grip on the Blind Concubine's waist was like an iron claw keeping him in place. There was no way he would be able to escape.

And then, something the Blind Concubine had not expected happened. The person moved in their sleep and their hand took hold of the Blind Concubine's.

He recognized those hands from the countless times they had helped him up whenever he had tripped or were leading the way off the island. It was Chime who was holding him.

The Blind Concubine was beyond shocked. Of course, he had wanted to have something more with Chime. But how did this happen? Was the Blind Concubine perhaps still sleeping and dreaming all of this up? It was after all very surprising and confusing to suddenly find himself laying in bed with Chime, both of them completely naked.

The Blind Concubine's memories flooded his mind. He remembered now. He recalled how demanding he had been last evening – or before he had lost his consciousness because he did not even know what time day it was now – and what he had begged Chime to do.

Now that he knew what had happened, he realized that his whole body was aching in a very familiar way. Chime had apparently also lost himself in the moment and had his way with the Blind Concubine. The bruises that could be felt all over the Blind Concubine's body were definite proof of that.

The Blind Concubine had to swallow down his rising panic. This felt very familiar, he had been in the same – if perhaps a little more distressed – state after he had slept with the Emperor. It was almost too much for the Blind Concubine to not recall one of the worst moments in his life.

He took a deep breath and was trying to calm his mind. Despite the familiarity of this, he knew the situation was different. Chime was not the Emperor. And this time, the Blind Concubine had actually asked to be held and ravaged like this. It had been his own decision.

The Blind Concubine had fully succumbed to his bodily desires. And he found that he did not really regret it now.

He snuggled closer to Chime's body and put his hands over the other's chest. He wanted to feel him more. This was what the Blind Concubine had been dreaming about but never ever had he thought he would actually ask for it. He had become quite bold, had he not?

Luckily, it did not seem like Chime had had much negative feelings about this. After all, if he had hated the Blind Concubine asking, he could have just refused him from the start. It must have been fine since they were now sleeping in the same bed and hugging each other.

The Blind Concubine was feeling great once again. All his anxiousness and fear were forgotten. He had his Chime with him now and the Emperor and the imperial palace were far away. That was all the Blind Concubine could ever ask for.

He snuggled even closer to Chime, fully leaning onto him right now and he was slowly drifting back to sleep. His happy and fluffy feeling was back and he was basking in it.


The Emperor felt the Blind Concubine moving in his embrace and he woke up. He held him a little closer, he did not want to ever let go of his Blind Concubine again. He felt content like this.

The Emperor knew he should get up and go confront his mother about adding aphrodisiac to his and the Blind Concubine's food. But he found it extremely hard to do. With his Blind Concubine pressed firmly against him and nuzzling his face in his chest, there was no way the Emperor would be able to leave him.

He was riding on cloud nine and did not want to ever stop feeling like that. He knew he should still be cautious but he really found it an almost impossible feat to accomplish now. He opened his eyes and was feasting on the precious sight of the Blind Concubine peacefully sleeping in his arms. He hugged him a little tighter.

Only hours ago, he would have never imagined that he would be so lucky to hold his Blind Concubine this close to him ever again. Not after everything he had done.

The Emperor still remembered vividly the last time he had slept with the Blind Concubine. He had been so wild, inexperienced and inconsiderate that he had hurt him, badly. The Blind Concubine had been bedridden after that experience for several days.

Luckily, since that time, the Emperor had actually studied about physical relationship between two men. He hoped he had been able to hold himself back a little last night despite the effects of the aphrodisiac. He did not want to hurt the Blind Concubine.

He knew he should not feel this happy but he could just not help it. It was a fact that the Blind Concubine believed him to be some simple mute village boy that he had named Chime. He had not slept together as the Emperor and the Blind Concubine.

Despite all the odds, it stayed a reality that the Blind Concubine had once again opened up to the Emperor. Even if their relationship was founded upon a lie.

Although the Emperor had wanted to reveal his true identity to the Blind Concubine countless times in the last seven years, he had held his tongue back. He could not stand the thought about the Blind Concubine possibly – and most probably – rejecting him because of what he had done in the past.

The Emperor still wished to apologize. That stayed the same all those years. But he had been becoming more and more terrified of losing his relationship with the Blind Concubine. And so he never brought the issue of his identity up with him.

He even believed that perhaps things could just stay as they were. He could pretend to be the mute Chime for the rest of his and the Blind Concubine's lives. Then, everything would be fine and there would be no more obstacles between them.

After this shared night of passion and love, he believed in this decision more than ever. The Blind Concubine could never learn who he truly was lest the Emperor would lose everything he held dear now. 

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