𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟻 - 𝙿𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚛

31 1 0

In the morning I got up early to find out the schedule of the academic decathlon group are doing their stuff. Since they're the only thing right now that has a team- they keep theirs each year and just change captains.
Whereas other groups are still forming their teams and such. I do know that the chess club has something on Thursday- not sure what though. I'll have to figure that out too

I walk to the "meeting room" where no one is and then I went to where they were actually practice. I hear noise coming from the inside so I open the door and walk in.

I look around and see a huddle of girls whispering, two guys are at the podium aggressively banging their buzzers. Then I spot Mr.Harrington: the academic decathlon group teacher, looking stressed trying to calm down the kids.

He's the nicest teacher I've ever met. He tried really hard to get me into the decathlon last year but there were too many complications.

The room chaos fades when they notice me walk in
"Could I talk to you Mr.Harrington?"
I ask and he nods

"Keep your voices to a minimum. We can discuss what we started earlier in a minute"
He says to the class and they start their chattering again but quieter.

I walk closer to him and start to say
"I'm doing an internship for the daily bugle-"
"The daily bugle? I love that newspaper!"
He said a little loud so some heads turn

"I'm supposed to take pictures of the school and it's activities for the paper.. soo I was wondering I could get your schedule"

"You want to photograph us? Wow sure. We meet before school on mondays and Tuesday and after school all week."

"Thank you"
I write what he had said on a notepad so I can plan my days accordingly. I really want the job so I'm going to take all the pictures I can for Jameson.

The bell for first class rings sending everyone to their feet and out the door.

I wait for the kids to pass before I go out. I grab my camera out of my bag and fiddle with the neck strap.

"You should come by here more often"
A kid with black hair says to me as he walks out

I just scoff

"Peter please talk to your boss for you to stay with us the whole practice this time"
Mr.Harrington says to a student

I look up

"I'll try"
He says

It's the boy
From the football field
He's even prettier up close

Without even noticing it I drop my camera leaving it clattering on the floor

I quickly close my mouth that had fallen open

And the boy rushes over and squats down to pick up my camera
And I go down too, to pick it up

"Is it broken?"
He asks
Showing me a piece that had fallen off

"Uh-No that just covers the screen.. it pops off all the time"

He hands the piece to me and I snap it back onto its place

"I definitely need a new camera"
I laugh

Why did I say that my camera fine
I feel like my brain isn't working properly with him around

"Peter I've gotta go to class. I don't want to be late"
His friend, one I saw with him yesterday, says to him

"Cya, Ned. I'll catch you at lunch"
He says waving to his friend

Ned. Peter.
I have names now
They're not just strangers anymore

He stands up, holding out his hand to me to help me up. And so I take his hand and he pulls me up. He seems strong

We walk out together and there's only some students in the hall

"We're going to be late"
I joke
He just shrugs

"So you're Peter?"
I ask and look down at my camera
"Yeah. Peter. Peter Parker."
He awkwardly says

Peter Parker?
Just his name is cute.
Could he get any cuter

"I'm Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N"
I smile, slightly mocking him

He laughs but then asks
"Uh- what class do you have?"

"Chemistry "
I say
"Really? With who?"
" I think her name is.. Ms.Warren"

He stops walking and smiles
"No way. That's crazy- I do too."
"Oh- wow really? That's funny"
The odds are in my favor
How did I not notice him before

We end up rushing to class and walk in and the students are standing against the wall

"Ah perfect time. We're doing a seating chart. Stand against the wall. I'll call you to your seat"
Ms.Warren tells us

Peter and I go to the corner where there's no one and wait there.

The room was completely silent so we couldn't talk. But I felt him nudge my shoulder so I looked at him then looked down at his hand

He had his phone open to his contacts I saw him save the contact as.
Camera Girl Y/N

I go to take the phone to start to put my number in but Ms.Warren calls my name seating me and taking me away from Peter.

She had sat Peter and I far from each other and I wasn't able to catch him after class.
So I guess that means we're staying strangers for now.

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