Chapter 4. Flashback Daydream

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I've been in the room for the last couple of hours, barely moving from where I sit on the bed. I stared out the window, watching the creatures of the deep swimming around outside. My knees drawn to my chest, so happy to have feeling back in them after so long, as I played with a stray strand from my jeans. My mind astray with many lost memories and questions, as I was lost in my own mind.
"Rose." A soft voice filtered through my mind, bringing me back from my daydreams.
"Hmm?" I turned my head in the direction of the voice, seeing Silco standing in the doorway leaning against the frame.
"You okay?" He asked me, not moving an inch. I guess he's just worried about what I'll say.
"Yea, I'm fine." I moved so my legs were dangling off the side of the bed. I pushed my brown hair out of my face, and sighed slightly.
"Something's bothering you." He walked into the room, taking a seat next to me on the bed.
"I guess you can say that." I rested my hand on my lap, as I looked at them.
"Let me see, you've got some questions about your memories, don't you?" He said softly. I nodded, not lifting my head. I felt him sift next to me, and I could see that he was moving to sit more on the bed. "You can always ask me. I know you, just as much as your brother does. But I guess you want to go see your brother?" He asked me, and I lifted my head to look into his eyes. I nodded vigorously at the question. He chuckled slightly.
"Please. I want to see him for real, and not in my memories." He nodded, as he moved to stand up, holding his hand out to me. I took it and he helped me stand up.
"I'll take you as far as the bridge. Most of the people in Piltover know who you are, as you used to visit your brother every day, so you'll be fine topside."
"Thank you, Sil." He was taken back a bit. My memories told me that I used to call him that. Guess no one else calls him that down here. I chuckled as he stood there, frozen to the floor, as I skipped to the open door. "You coming?" He shook his head and smiled.
"Yes. Let's go." We walk out of the room, and up the stairs. It was the same for me as it was earlier that day, except I could feel the air of fear surrounding the men of this place, as they watched me walk through the main building and out the door. Silco walked through first as I glanced over my shoulder at the men. They've all gone back to what they were doing, so I walked out the door, hearing it close behind me. I looked around to see that we weren't too far from the bridge as it is.
The closer we got to the bridge, the more I recognised the figure standing at the end of it. I noticed Silco stopped next to me, his eyes trained on the man.
"I'm sorry, Rosebud. But I can't go any further. That's Vander. He'll help you find Viktor. Don't mention anything about me." I nodded as Silco smiles and he kissed the top of my head, and started walking back to the cannery. I smiled when he said Vander, as he was the man that kept popping up in my memories. I ran towards the huge man, as he was looking around, as if he was looking for someone. He stopped when he spotted me. Though I don't know him quite yet, I felt a sudden urgency as I ran towards him, jumping on him as I gave him a tight hug.
"Rose!" He shouted, as he hugged me even tighter than I did, nearly squeezing the air out of me. "I went by your place earlier, but you weren't there, and Astra was dead. What happened?" He let me go, as I took a deep breath.
"She got in trouble with a drug dealer. They came by for a welfare check and killed her. I was there for a couple of weeks on my own, before I had the strength to walk again. So I left and went looking for you. But I couldn't find you." As I promised, I kept Silco's name out of it, and I wasn't going to bring up my memory lost yet. I watched Vander as he nodded his head.
"Makes sense. I didn't like Astra from the beginning, but I respected your wishes to be back at home." I nodded as we hugged again, feeling comfort and safety in his arms. But it was different to how I felt when Silco hugged me, but I don't know what.
"I'm guessing you would want to see Vik. He's been asking about you, but, of course, we didn't know what happened." I nodded as we started walking across the bridge. "By the way, where did you get those clothes?"
"I found them by the canneries by the dock. Abandoned but these were in a drawer so I took them." Vander nodded, not asking questions as we walked quietly across. In the shadows of topside, I could see the silhouette of a thinner man, leaning on a cane, as he was looking around.
"Vik..." I said softly, as I walked a bit faster. I saw Vik look this way, as his eyes went wide with shock.
"Rose? Rose!" He hobbled over to me at a fast pace, before dropping the cane entirely and running wobbly over to me. I ran faster, meeting him halfway as we hugged tightly, the both of us crying into each other's shoulder. I opened my eyes slightly, to see the world slightly flashing and fading as I knew another memory had been found.

We were on the bridge, Viktor and I. We were eating some lunch that he had brought for us. He was telling me about Heimerdinger's proposition to be his assistant.
"You have to take it, Vik. It would be an amazing opportunity for you. And you can possibly find something to help you and others with having more access to illegal equipment." I said, taking a bite of my sandwich, nearly moaning from the deliciousness. I missed having Viktor's sandwiches whenever I returned home from shopping or work. It was the best moment in the day for me. He chuckled at me, as I probably made a weird face. I chuckled as well, as we kept eating the food.
"I don't know, Rose. It would mean that I won't be able to come back to Zaun." He said sadly. I know he misses the undercity and our home, but with the way things have gotten down here, and they've gotten worse.
"No, Vik. Things aren't the same anymore. More enforcers are combing the place of recent." I sighed as I finished the sandwich. "Though, I definitely miss your sandwich. You should make two of them, so I can take one home with me." We laughed as the memory started to fade, bringing me back to real life.

Vik and I let go of each other, looking over us, making sure we're ok.
"You're walking? You're walking! That's amazing. I was so worried when everything happened. And then we couldn't see you, and then Vander told me that Astra was dead and you were missing and I was so worried-"
"Vik, you're rambling." I chuckled as he sat his mouth when I cut him off.
"Sorry. I was just so worried about you. But I knew you were fine, I could feel it." We smiled at each other. "Oh, I almost forget. I promised this before everything went down on the bridge." He reached his hand into his bag, and pulled out two sandwiches, handing them to me.
"You remembered?!" I said, excitedly, taking the sandwiches and unwrapping one. I quickly took a bite of it and moaned in pleasure at the taste. "Still as amazing as I remember, as well." We laughed, as we took a seat on one of the benches on the bridge. We sat there for hours, talking about what's been happening, and I told him everything that's been happening in the last few months, including what Astra tried to do. He was shocked, as he remember her to be one of our carers when we were younger. He also told me about the explosion in Piltover, explaining how the enforcers were scouring the undercity for four children. I'll have to ask Vander about that.
It was getting dark, so Vik and I hugged as we part ways, promising each other to get back to this routine. I'll have to tell Silco about this, but I think he'll understand. I waved bye as I walked back to the waiting Vander.
"That explosion in the Academy district, that was the kids, wasn't it?" I asked Vander, believing that it was Vi and the others. I heard him sigh, and I knew it was true. "How can they be so stupid? They just risked our entire deal with the topside, and for what? So they can be treated like adults?" I rubbed my forehead, and stopped when I saw Sevika. And so did Vander.
"Is that Sevika? Is she waiting for you?"
"Yea it's her. She helped me out when I started walking again. I collapsed not far from here, and she helped me out, so I'm staying with her for a bit. I hope you don't mind?" I asked, looking to Vander again.
"Not at all. There isn't any room at the Last drop anyway." I nodded, saying my byes before walking over to Sevika. The closer I got to her, the more I could see Silco hiding in the shadows. I smiled as we all started walking back to the cannery. Silco and I walking side by side, as Sevika walked behind us, making sure that no one was following us.
We arrived back at the cannery, and I could smell the sweat oozing from the place. We walked in, to see the boys brawling it out in the middle of the floor. The three of us stood there shocked, but I recovered quickly, placing two fingers between my lips and whistling loudly.
"BOYS!" I shouted over the top of their yelling. It seemed to work as they all stopped what they were doing, staring at the three of us in the doorway. Silco was still too stunned to do anything, Sevika was completely pissed off, as I just stood there, an energy of calmness surrounding me. "what do you think you're doing?!" I shouted at them, as they all stood straight and lowered their heads.
"We're sorry miss, but Jameson said some mean things about Jack and they started fighting, and the rest of us... well, we encouraged it." I sighed as I rubbed my head.
"Who's Jameson and Jack?" I asked, moving my hand away from my face. The men all pointed to these two men, battered and bloodied in the middle of the group. I walked through the crowd, the men moving to let me through, as I walked out to the two of them. I took a deep breath in before reaching up and grabbing their ears, pulling them down to my height.
"You two remember what happened to the last guy that did something wrong? He almost got a broken shoulder. This will be your first and last warning, any more fighting and I'll make sure that it'll be your shoulder that'll be broken next. And that goes for all of you." I yanked them down a bit more, and let them go, both of the men yelping in pain as they moved away from me. I turned back to Silco and Sevika, who just stood there, watching me. I smiled innocently, as the rest of the men scurried back to their work.
"That was hot." Sevika said, and the three of us started laughing. I like it here.

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