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Fulcrum POV

     I just got a mission from bail. I am supposed to get a box from an underground base in the lower levels of Coruscant. Meaning I would have to stay hidden. I grabbed my lightsabers and put them on my belt, I put my comm on, and put my cloak on.

Time skip (because I'm lazy)

     I'm inside the base but there are a lot more stormtroopers then a expected. 'It's going to be a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.' I think.

     I continue down to where the box is supposed to be. As I get closer I feel the force telling me something bad is going to happen. As I approach the room with the box in it the force is screaming at me. I would stop but Bail said this is very important.

     As soon I open the door and walk I see the box. As soon as I touch it I feel weird and dizzying. My last thought before I black out is 'I should've listened to the force'.


Ahsoka POV 

     We just got back from the mission that was interrupted by Mortis. We are walking to the council to tell them about the mission. I have been thinking a lot about my vision and what happened after I was bit. I don't remember anything until Anakin hugged me which is strange, he never give hugs." Master what happened after I was taken?" I asked

Anakin POV

     "I-well you..." how am I supposed to tell her that she tried to Obi-wan and I. I sighed. "Well the son sort of turned you evil and you tried to kill us."I wait a moment before continuing to let that sit in "then once you got the dagger he..." I look away I can't look her into the eyes while saying this "He put fingers to your forehead and killed you" I sigh. "He then stabbed the daughter and I was able to move the daughters life force into you to bring you back to life"

     "So I have Daughters life force inside of me?" She asked "yeah I quess so." "Hmmm  interesting" she muttered. I could barely hear it. We then reached the council doors.

The Fulcrum in the cloak (DISCONTINUED FOR NOW)Where stories live. Discover now