Chapter 9

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The next morning.......

"Thanks for letting me stay at your house and for walking me back home, Midoriya-chan" Ochako said as she and Izuku walked.

"No problem Uraraka-san. Plus my mom said it was nice to have visitors" The greenette chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.

While Ochako was wearing the same clothes from yesterday, Izuku was now wearing beige slacks, red and white sports shoes, and a red button up flannel shirt.

He also had his hair tied in a low bun and he wore a silver watch.

So to put it shortly. Hot and bougie in a positive way.

The 2 young adults continued their talk until they arrived at the newly reconstructed railway.

"Well this is my stop. Thanks again Midoriya. I hope to see you at U.A. in a few months" Ochako said, waving goodbye as the doors closed and the train left the station.

Izuku waved back until the train car the brunette was in was out of sight. He sighed before turning around, and walking back home.

But the male midoriya felt like he was forgetting something. Something he was supposed to remember.

But then it hit him.

"I forgot to ask for her number!" He groaned, hiding his face in his hands.


In a dimly lit bar currently housed 2 people. One was behind the bar, cleaning glasses. They were wearing formal wear and a vest, but the most eye catching thing about them were the metal brace, Smokey body, and their piercing yellow eyes.

But the second person was somehow more unsettling. Sitting on one of the bar stools sat a woman in her mid 20's.

She had long, shaggy, pale blue hair, loose, baggy, black pants and sweater. Her skin was dry, and her neck had scratch marks on them.

She had chapped lips, but the rest of her face was covered by a pale, dismembered hand with golden box at the end.

Currently the latter was watching a news report about the monster and the light Titan. A sinister grin grew on her face as she rested her face in her hand.

"Such power. That is a powerful Boss, not an NPC. Once I have that power, my party will be unstoppable" she chuckled creepily.

Back to Izuku.......

Izuku was walking around Mustafu shopping center. He wanted to see if he wanted to buy anything so he decided to walk to the mall, but not without telling his mother over the phone.

Currently he was sipping on an iced americano he bought from a local coffee shop. And he's not going to lie, this was really good coffee.

He had his free hand in his pocket as he passed by a few stores. He curiously looked to the side.

His eyes widened and he almost spat out his drink.

He walked closer to the store front, which was a toy store. Clearly put on display were 6-inch toy figures of his Sapphire Nebula form.

It wasn't perfect by any means. It was solid silver with red blue and black painted on. Some of the other details were missing, but there was no denying that this was him.

He looked further into the store and almost choked on his own breath. There was merch of him. MERCH!!

There was a smorgasbord of merch. Ranging from clothing, toys, and even mundane things like tooth brushes and candies.

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