Chapter 11

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After the drama with Alice And Jasper I went home.

I had a quiet night with mom and dad.

And when I got to school the next morning I saw Alice and Jasper holding hands. I guess they worked it out.

So that is how I got here. Siting at a table swarmed  by Jacob and his friends.

Just like what happened with Rose and Emmett I felt like I was invading on Alice and Jasper. So I had nowhere else to seat but with Jacob and his gang.

I looked out to the far side of the cafeteria and saw Alice, Jasper, Rose and Emmett.

I wanted someone like that.

I guess it’s time to break up with Jacob.

“Jacob, can I talk to you” I said.

I lead him out of the cafeteria and in to a hallway.

“Jacob, I think it’s better if we break up” I said.

And as expected Jacob was fuming mad. “It’s Cullen isn’t it. I knew that loser liked you and you definitely feel the same.” He shouted.

“This isn’t about Edward. I don’t want to be with you anymore Jacob. I know you’ll find someone else.” I replied.

“Since this school year started, you’ve been weird. You aren’t yourself. Let me guess. You got tired of that life and wanted in on your old life. Is that it?” He asked.

“Yeah I want my old friends back.” I mutter. It was the best I got.

“Sure why not. Your chances of winning prom queen are pretty slim. Just say that I dumped you okay? I don’t want people to think you dumped me.” Jacob says before leaving.

And like that me and Jacob were over. He really was a shallow-headed man.

Half way through school I got called in to the guidance counselors office.

The news they gave me broke my world.

I thought I was back here to have another go of things. I thought that me and mom would have more time.

I cried myself all the way to the hospital and immediately hugged dad when I saw him.

The pain I had to go through before was nothing to how I felt now. Probably because in this lifetime I got to spend more time with her.

To think that I would never see her again. I wouldn’t get to hug her and feel her arms on me as she comforted me. I would never see her bright smile, and no one would be there to scold me when I do idiotic things.

I loved my mom so much. No matter how much I want to tell her now I’ll never be able to.

I guess that the idea of losing my mom never resurfaced because I thought that with the second chance came together with mom. That she wouldn’t die. I guess I was wrong.

But something didn’t add up. My mom died while I was in College now she died while I was still at senior year.

Either way nothing changed cause in the end I still lost her.

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