Chapter 13

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Time Skip

Eight months later

Betty is now nine months pregnant. She couldn't hide anymore now that she had her baby bump. She also couldn't control her pregnancy cravings or hormones. Luckily Jughead was able to help her through all of this and would continue to help her until the day came that his daughter would be born.

Betty: *Hyperventilating*

Jughead: "Is it time? Is she here?"

Betty: *Hyperventilating* It's a contraction. They're getting closer together."

Jughead: "How much closer?"

Betty: "Three minutes apart. We need to get to the hospital now!"

Jughead: "Okay. Give me your keys. You're not driving like this."

Betty tossed him the keys to the station wagon and they were on their way.

Time Skip

Doctor: "You're doing great Miss Cooper. Just keep breathing."

Jughead: "You're going to be all right Betts."

Doctor: "Push."

Time Skip

Four hours later she was here. Betty and Jughead's daughter. As soon as she was cleaned up she was back in her mother's arms.

Betty: "She's beautiful."

Jughead: "Just like her mother."

Doctor: "Do you have any names for her?"

Betty: "What do you think we should name her Jug?"

Jughead: "I was thinking Julietta Marie Jones."

Betty: "Jones? So she's going to have your last name?"

Jughead: "We can use Cooper."

Betty: "No. It's perfect."

Jughead: "Do you know why I want her to have my last name?"

Betty: "Why?"

Jughead: "Well, Betty, I know you just gave birth to our daughter but, we've been dating for three years and I was wondering..."

Betty: "Yes?"

Jughead: "Betty, will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?"

Betty: "Are you serious?" She couldn't hold back her tears. She was so happy.

Jughead: "I'm very serious. I want to be here for you and Julietta for the rest of my life Elizabeth Cooper."

Betty: "Yes! I will marry you!"

Jughead: "Yes?"

Betty: "YES!"

Jughead: "Alright."

He slipped the ring on her finger and it fit perfectly. Thankfully Alice had told him Betty's ring size before he proposed.

Doctor: "Congratulations you two!"

Betty: "Thank you."

Doctor: "Betty, you will have to stay home for a few months for the baby before you can go back to work."

Betty: "That's alright I'm sure my mom will let me take maternity leave for my sweet little girl."

Jughead: "We're a family now. I love you, Betty."

Betty: "I love you too Jughead."

Author's note

Oh my goodness! This is so amazing! I can't believe they're getting married! Don't worry this is not the end of the book. I will continue to write this book. You will get to see a lot of Julietta. I promise. And thank you to wendyguardiansofgf for suggesting the name Julietta Marie Jones. Thank you all so much for reading. Have a great day everyone!

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