8 -Past-

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Someone is going to return soon ....
I'm trying to improve on my shitty writing ==
-Lucy's P.O.V-
Its already been a week since the mission i met Lia . I wonder hows she's doing now ?

I walked to Fairytail and it started to snow suddenly .

" Yuki ... ( A/N : Snow ) " I mumbled under my breath as i looked up .

The pure white snow was slowly falling down and i reached out my hand , one fell on it but it disappeared afterwards . It was a really a beautiful sight .

But i didn't wear my muffler or coat . I hope it doesn't snow hard today .

When i reached Fairytail , i opened the two big doors with a bright smile on my face .

" Morning ! " I greeted and was greeted back by many people in the guild ; Happy , Levy-chan , Erza , Gray , Wendy , Juvia , Gajeel , Laxus and some others .

But who made me the happiest is ... Natsu .

When i think back to the day when we were dancing , i'll blush and smile to myself .

Like i've gone crazy .

Then i felt something weird ... Someone is missing . Two of them .... Oh !

" Natsu , where's Mira and Elfman ? " I asked , worrying a little .

" They're ... " Suddenly , Natsu's smile turned upside down . He hung his head low and i realised that i asked something wrong .

" No , its fine . You don't have to tell me . " I said as i smiled awkwardly .

Then Levy-chan called out to me , " Lu-chan ! Come here for a moment . "

I nodded and walked towards her , " Yes ? "

" Mira and Elfman went to clean and pay respect to their little sister's , Lisanna , grave . " She said and i was surprised .

They had a little sister and she died ... ? But why is Natsu so ... Sad ? Are they really close ? Were they in a relationship ? Wait , why do i even care about this ?

" Then why is Natsu so sad ? " I still asked , tilting my head a little .

" When Lisanna and Natsu were young , like around 5 or 6 , they played together everytime . Happy's egg was found by Natsu and he took care of Happy together with Lisanna . She told Natsu to get married with her when they grow up , Natsu being the young kid he was , said okay . " Levy-chan said clearly . I nodded in response .

They wanted to get married when they grow up ? My heart stung at the thought of Natsu and Lisanna getting married . Don't tell me i really ... No , no . I

I'm not in love with that pink haired idiot .

" But unfortunately one day .. Lisanna , with Mira and Elfman went on a mission . Elfman could only fully control a beast's arm but not the whole body . He suddenly turned into a beast and went out of control . He ... Killed Lisanna . Mira also blames herself everytime with Elfman ... Alright , i'm going on a mission with Gajeel now ! But don't worry , Lu-chan . I'm sure you could make Natsu fall in love with you , don't give up ! You're one of the best person i've met ! " Levy gave me a pat on my shoulder and left for Gajeel .

A light blush crept to me cheeks and i saw her chuckling while running away . Make Natsu fall in love with me ? Why would i do that ? Is it that obvious that i'm in love with him ?

Wait , i am in love with him ? Huh ... ?!

I used my phone and checked for the symptoms of falling in love with someone .

' Heart pounds quickly when with him '
' Butterflies in your stomach '
' Thinking of him everytime '
' Looking forward to meet him '
' Jealous when a girl is close to him '

Jealousy ? Just now my heart stung ... That was jealousy ?

I love Natsu ...

My face heated up but i snapped out of my thoughts . Now , what important is i must comfort Natsu .

I walked to Natsu and Happy , he looked normal but still sadness filled his eyes . I frowned , worried . Did he even eat breakfast ?

" Natsu , have you eaten ? "

He shook his head . I sighed .

" Lets go and eat ! Its my treat ! " I smiled , hoping it will cheer him up . Food is his favorite isn't it ?

" No , its fine . " He said strengthlessly .

" Then lets go fishing with Happy ! " I suggested , not giving up .

" Aye ! "

He shook his head and rested his head on the table . Happy stayed silent after that .

" Lets go on a missio- "

" I SAID ITS FINE ! " Natsu raised his voice and made me flinch .

I was shocked , this was the first time he shouted at me . Tears were threatening to fall but i tried my very best to hold them back and a lump formed in my throat .

Since when did Lucy Heartfilia , the monster that everyone feared ... Become this weak ? No , i'm going to be strong .

" I-I'm sorry . Erm , i just wanted you to cheer up . " I said as i scratched my cheeks before leaving the guild , returning back to my apartment .

-Natsu's P.O.V-
Shit .. What have i done ... ? I need to apologize . She looked as though she was about to cry . I made her feel sad .

No matter how sad i am about Lisanna , i shouldn't have taken out my anger/sadness on her .

Lisanna ... I really miss her . But Lucy's more important , because she's the one i love now .

I stopped thinking about these matters and ran towards the direction of her place , by her scent .

Vanilla and strawberries .

-Lucy's P.O.V-
When i reached my apartment which a 10 mins walk , but i ran so that makes it 6 to 7 mins , i went to bathe and relaxed in the bathtub . I always do that , i love relaxing . I closed my eyes , thinking about how i changed . 

In the past , i had no emotions or feelings . But just anger when people called me a monster . I didn't feel happy or sad before . I didn't look forward to tomorrow , i wished that i never existed .

But now ? For the first time in my life , i have friends . They treat me dearly , make me happy and laugh .

Most importantly , i fell in love with someone . Natsu Dragneel . I feel happy because of him , i almost shed tears because of him , i felt jealousy because of him . I look forward to going to Fairytail mainly because of him . He treats me so greatly but i know , thats how he treats everyone . Even so , i still love him so much .

While i was deep in thoughts , the living room's door/main door creaked , it interrupted me . I sweatdropped , who was it ? Nobody knew where i lived .


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