Chapter 6: That's a lot of stairs...

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The decision of you both was decided, you and Mirabel are going to Bruno's tower to seek answers about the miracle. You were on your way back to Casita when your brothers pulled you aside, "We overheard from Luisa." Angelo said as you gulped, "Don't do anything reckless, little sis. We'll tell our parents what you're up to today." Gabriel said as you sigh and nodded, "Make our Lolo proud." Gabriel said as you smile and rejoined Mirabel. You told Mirabel about your family knowing the situation in the Madrigal home and hoped that your Lola isn't very talkative today. You and Mirabel sneak back to Casita and to Bruno's tower, Isabella and Alma were talking passed you. You watched them pass by as you gestured Mirabel to move. But then Camilo is there, leaning over the entrance of Bruno's tower, "What the... What is Camilo doing there?!" Mirabel mumbles as you thought of a reason then you remembered a particular person, "Dolores! She must've told to Camilo what we're up to." You whispered to Mirabel as she grunts, "I'll distract Camilo for a bit, you get inside the tower first." You proposed the plan as Mirabel nodded as you walked up to Camilo, "Cami? Are you alright? You seemed... Upset..." You said as Camilo turned his head to you, "Oh... Bonita, here you are." Camilo said with a soft smile as he clasp his hands to yours, pulling you away from Bruno's door, "So... Can you tell me why you're so happy all of the sudden?" You asked the curly haired boy next to you. He averted his gaze to a nearby wall, thinking of the perfect reason, "Uh... I just wanted to hang out with you... And um... Not wanting Mirabel to interfere... You know..." He explained as you crack a smile and silently chuckle, "Are you... Jealous of Mirabel?" You asked him as he scoffs nervously. You can tell by the way he acted that it was true and he's also flustered... "Camilo!" You heard Dolores calling for him, "Pogi. Dolores is calling you." You said as he lean over the fence of the second floor to see Dolores with her arms crossed and tapping foot. You, on the other hand, left the scene to Bruno's door. You opened it and rejoined with Mirabel, "Wait, how did you...?" Mirabel asked as you just shrugged.

You two then turned to the entrance of Bruno's room. An hour glass shaped door with falling sand covering the middle of it was the entrance... Mirabel asked Casita to stop the sand from flowing but... "You can't help in here?" Mirabel said as you turn to the tiles that click clack as if it was speaking to Mirabel. "We'll be fine." Mirabel said as you held her hand, "Ready?" You asked the green glasses girl as she nodded. You both step across the sand only to fall from a great height and land on sand... Again... 'Ba't ang daming buhangin dito?!' You thought angrily as you grumble and tried to take off the sand on your skirt. You help Mirabel up and looked up to see almost a hundred of stairs, "Oh, hello." You heard Mirabel saying to the Toucan. You just stared at her while she talks to it but then it flies away to the top. "Mira, did you try and talk with a bird?" You asked her as she moves her head away from your gaze. You sigh and look up to the stairs again, "Are you up for some exercise?" You asked Mirabel as she gulps and sighs.

"Welcome to the family Madrigal." Mirabel sings as she jogs up while you just walk up. Then afew minutes later... She, started slowing down, "There's so many stairs In the casa Madrigal." She sang as you walk next to her. And another few minutes, she slows down a little while you passed her, "You think there would be Another way to... Get so high..." She said as you slowly got away from her, "'Cause we're magic, but no..." Mirabel said coming to a stop but you didn't notice it, "Magical how many stairs fit in here!" Mirabel complaining where you just stopped and turned around to see her walking up... Slowly this time... "Bruno, your room is the worst!" Mirabel shouted lowkey cursing Bruno, "C'mon Mira... It's just stairs." You said and sure enough... You and Mirabel got to the top with her being sweaty an you with no sweat, "How are you.... Not... Tired?!" Mirabel asked you as you shrugged as Mirabel sighs then you saw there is a large gap in between where you are to the entrance. Mirabel grunts as you find a solution. Mirabel then got an idea...

She took the rope and threw it to the rock ceiling and she tested if it can hold. You grab onto it and you counted. You both made it as Mirabel got into a victory dance while she stomped on a crack that causes a portion of rock fall. Good thing you saved her on time, "That was close." You said as Mirabel breathes. You both then got inside the room with you noticing the Toucan on Mirabel's shoulder. You two saw pictures of Bruno and how he can activate his gift... Then you saw a stone picture of... 'Me and Lolo? Why would...' You thought as Mirabel called you to open another door, "How many rooms are in this place?" You asked as Mirabel shrugged, "Also, what happened to the bird?" You asked her as she told you that it flew off. You gently opened it as it let out a creek. You both went inside to find a room fulled with sand and something glowing underneath it. You both saw two, "I'll take that one." You said as you went to the right side to find a green glass shard... You were clueless about it, as well as so clueless that you didn't noticed that the cracks on the walls started to form. You focused more on the shards that you pieced together to reveal you and Camilo... Holding hands... "Me and Cami?" You asked as you noticed the cracks now getting louder. It is a good thing that you have a bag with you today, "Mira! We've got to get out of here!" You said that made Mirabel snapped back to reality and gather all of her shards while you gather yours. You've gathered yours but Mirabel need one more, when she got it... You both ran to the door but it was closed. You pound it with your strength and Mirabel turned the nob that actually saved you and Mirabel's lives.


Here are the translations!

• Pogi - Handsome

• Ba't ang daming buhangin dito?! - Why are there so many sand here?!

• Lolo - Grandfather

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