Shiv Sameera attends party

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                It's Sunday, August 18, and Shiv is in Mumbai for a birthday celebration. He flew from Hyderabad to Mumbai, where he attended the party with several of his business partners and friends. It's Anirudh's birthday, and he owns a number of construction companies in India. Shiv noticed Sameera at the same gathering and wondered why she was there.

                Anirudh hugged her and said hello, but Shiva's heart was racing and he had no idea why.

                 Arnav, SHIV's business partner, entered and greeted hello to Shiv but did not turn around. He doesn't even bother to look at Arnav.

Arnav- Shiv (with a loud voice)
Shiv - hello Arnav
Arnav - I assume you're interested in...
Shiv - No, I was only curious as to how a film actress in this party.
Arnav - Anirudh is also a producer, having worked on a film with Sameera and Sowrya.
Shiv - Sowrya   Mmm, how are things        going for you?
Arnav - everything is OK. Look, Sowrya has also arrived.

Sameera's ex-husband is sowrya. So everyone is curious to see how they would respond because this is the first time they are together since their breakup, but Shiv's face has turned red and he took alcohol in one shot.

Everyone is having a good time, except for Shiv, who is clearly watching Sowrya and Sameera. Sowrya is flirting with all the women and dancing with them.
Meanwhile, Sameera is sipping her drink while staring at Sowrya.

     Sameera is on her way out of the party.
The drunken sowrya then came up and grabbed her hand, forcing her to dance.
She refused, but he is pressuring her.

Shiv then appeared, removing his hand off hers and intending to punch him.

Sameera stopped Shiv and saw him very  angrily, and left from that place.

Shiv followed her.

Shiv - Sameera Sameera
Sameera - what?
Shiv - I came to support you?
Sameera - Did I ask you to help me? I'm capable of taking care of myself.
Shiv - But! Okay, 'm sorry.
Sameera - I know how disrespectful you are, so please leave in front of me. That day, I didn't understand why you were yelling at that old can driver, but now that I see you, you are a complete jerk who tries to interfere in other people's affairs.

Shiv became enraged and returned to punch Sowrya, but his friends intervened and stopped him. Shiv is driving away, but he is drunk, and just the last sentences from Sameera are stuck on repeat mode in his ears.

He made the decision not to see her at all.

Would these two, who have distinct types of characters, meet again, and how will Shiv respond if they do? Will Sameera be aware that Shiv is the AK firm's director?

Happy reading ❤️



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