Wishing upon a Star

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{Alpha James}


Groaning I looked over our enemy targets again unsure if I should attack or not, why did they have to part of this.

Why did my Mate have to battle?

"Alpha, we're ready when you are."

I nodded, "Okay, I want us to split up in three, the first half will attack from the northern border, I'll lead the second half from the south, and the last half will protect the remaining wolves in the pack."

The head soldier, Sarah, nodded moving her long hair out of her eyes as she sent me a reassuring smile, "Alright I'll tell the others."

Watching her go I once again looked from my spot behind an oak tree feeling a pain in my heart hoping that they would survive this, that she was alright.


I had sent my soldiers forward making an excuse about scouting ahead, why of all times.

Her scent was so ravishing, a mix of sweet honey and milk, I slowly continued to forward not bothering to mask my own scent.

Rounding a rather large tree my heart leaped with joy as I came face to face with he- HIM!

{Mystery POV}

I bit my lip nervously playing with the hem of my shirt, Alpha Dan was cruel to send me out here as bait, he knew I was the weakest male in the pack and would most likely die sooner or later.

Gulping I looked behind me not being able to see my pack anymore, I jumped as I stepped on a twig making a large snapsound.

"H-hello? Is anyone out here?"

Slowly making my way behind a large tree I slumped down staring down at my feet.

Maybe I got to far from the battle area?

What if my pack is in trouble now because of me?

Are they fighting yet?

"What the hell."

I looked up startled seeing a teen about the age of nineteen staring down at me in slight terror and confusion, "T-this can't be happing? What did I do wrong to deserve that."

"A-are you from my pack?"

He blinked his eyes before narrowing them, "How old are you?" He growled I trembled under his gaze w-who was he? W-what did he want?

"I-I'm fifteen."

He muttered something rolling his eyes as he groaned, "I suppose you were the bait weren't you? Your lucky I found before my pack did." He reached down grabbing my arm and pulling me up, "The names James."

I nodded before noticing that he was staring at my neck in confusion, "Is that a mating mark?"

I gasped sending my hand flying to cover it, "N-no! Its not." I stammered not wanting him to think I didn't care about my mate.

"Yes it is! T-thats wrong," he growled pulling my hand away, "how can I be mated with someone who's un... un... untrustworthy!"


What's he saying! He's m-my mate! This can't be true, a Luna has to be strong! She has to be a female! N-not me!

"J-james, its not what you think! I was forced to do this." I whispered tears gathering at my eyes as he let go of me in disgust, "I swear! I would never do it on purpose!"

He turned around sighing as if trying to recompose himself, "Okay, look you ... your coming with me," he muttered running a hand through his hair, I looked at him with hopeful eyes wondering if he believed me.

James walked away from the tree making his way up the hill I had just come from I quickly followed him trying to keep up with the Alpha Male.

I noticed him glancing over at me once or twice and then thought I was imagining that he was chuckling, laughing at my failure of climbing up the dirt hill.

"H-hey! I thought you were just mad at me! Y-you can't laugh at me now." I whined stopping to catch my breath while glaring at him, he was ... kinda moody? But in a cute way.

"Yes I can, your easy to laugh at." He muttered rolling his eyes in slight amusement I was about to snap back when suddenly Alpha James started growling, my eyes widening I took a step back sacred senseless when he grabbed me pressing me to his chest and making us fly to the ground.

Around the same time bullets flew in all directions causing me to shriek loudly, "W-what the - what was that!"

"Damn, I've should have know they would have come after you." He said bitterly, I gasped noticing that he was shifting in less then a second instead of James covering me a beautiful black furred wolf stood blue eyes glaring out into the trees.

"Whoa! Your so big." I whispered sitting up and watching as he let loose another growl as if warning our - er his enemies to stay away.

To my surprise we weren't attacked, at this he turned turns me nudging my hand as soon as he did I felt a jolt shoot up towards me retracting my hand I shoot him a sad look knowing that he wanted me to shift as well.

The only problem was that ...

"I can't."



I honestly think I kinda went off track with this chapter ... anyway Alpha James finally found the one, so yay!

So the next chapter will probably either be in Luke's pov or Lily's and I hope to see ya there.

Thanks for reading. (P.S. I'm posting this chapter two days early because my tablet broke and my computer is acting stupid so yay another chapter!)

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