Do I?

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{Alpha Dan}

I panted blinking my eyes open as sweat clung to my forehead.

I swallowed hard looking around, it was only a dream only a dream "Oh Goddess, Lily don't leave me." I muttered sitting up and running a hand through my blond hair,  thinking about the nightmare that had awoken me.

Lily can't go with Luke, h-he never loved her, I thought standing up slowly making my way to the window that sat across my room the moonlight scattered around the floor as my shadow followed my movements, I have to make her see reason, or.... force it upon her.

I stared out into the forest the only thing between Us and the Blue Moon pack, a small sigh left my lips "Lily... I love you, please understand what I'm about to do is for us."


"Kyle." I greeted the young Beta male as he joined my side "Find anything useful today?" he rolled his eyes and snorted "Alpha do you really think that lowly of me."

I gave him a look, "Why of course not, I think lower." Kyle gave a nervous laugh and muttered something, "Anyway, yes I have. Turns out Jacob thinks that I should take a Chillpill. Clearly he's stupid I checked there are no Chillpills."

I groan and shake my head only he would do such a thing, "I have to go Alpha, who knows what else Jacob could be doing what a silly human." Kyle chripped skipping away I smiled and shouted "Tell him he needs to visit sometime!" he waved and disappeared behind the corner, now Lily.


"Well this isn't awkward." Lily's small laugh came from her full pink lips as she sat ontop of my chest her face strawberry red as I swept a loose brown lock behind her ear, "Lily," I whispered drawing her attention towards me, "do you.... want to go back, to Blue Moon of course?"

She sighed and looked away "I.. I really don't know Alpha, Luke might really need me." she answered returning her gaze to mine, bitterly I thought, What about me Lily, can't you see that I need you to?

"It's not that I... want to go, it's just that I.. Need to go, for Luke's sake."

I sighed slightly frowning "Love, please stay... I've realized that I've fallen for you." I spoke with a new founded cofdince slipping a arm around her small waist and pulling her closer to myself, she looked at me surprise filling her beautiful brown eyes as I gentley cupped her face with my other bringing our lips together for a small kiss.

I pulled back resting my head on her's "Lily. I love you." her body went stiff as I trailed down her neck hovering over her collar bone I slightly nipped at it before sinking my teeth into her soft flesh.

Pulling away I glanced at her shell shocked face as she realized what exactly I had done, horror showed greatly on her beautiful features as I pushed her down onto her bed trailing kisses down her neck and slipping a hand under her purple and white stripped T-shirt.

"Dan.… your not t-thinking straight please stop. Don't t-touch me." Lily pleaded trying to push me away, I only grunted and pressed our lips together forcing them open I explored every part of her wet carven.

Stop fighting me Lily! I'm doing what's right for the both of us!

She struggled under my hold and fresh tears rushed their way down her face "Lily." I whispered in her ear panting heavily, "please forgive me."


I shifted in the bed hugging Lily's naked body next to mine kissing her forehead I muttered a slight 'I love you' before sitting up and gathering my clothes.

Lily is mine and I am her's.

Even if she can't see it yet, we were meant to be.


Do you like it? The story's not over yet through , who do you think Lily belongs with? Dan or Luke?

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