How much do I mean to you

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If I had a nickel for the amount of times someone asked me if I had yet to meet the one, I'd be rich.

If I had a nickel for how many times I suffocated behind the answer I was ordered to give, you'd damn well bet I would be able to buy the world.

I didn't know what force was carrying me to follow the growling and kicking former  Alpha Dan as he was dragged to his cell. But I kept my head up high and watched as he was chained. Giving a nod to the two Betas and letting them past by me once their job was done.

It wasn't me who spoke up first. It never was between the two of us.

"What are you doing here." Dan snapped finally, refusing to meet my gaze. If I was younger I would have mistaken it for shame, again. But I knew better then anyone that Dan didn't feel shame.

Bravely, I stepped closer. Reaching out with a shaking hand to brush his hair out of his face. "Dan-"

"I am your Alpha and you will address me as such!"

Clicking my tongue against my teeth, I shake my head. "You poor man. You poor, poor man. How does it feel? To be tossed to side, to know that you don't actually make the rules."

Once I saw this man as the powerful Alpha he once was. Even more so when he rejected me, placing the fear that I had ever been the first rejected werewolf ever.

That changed when Lily showed up of course. It changed everything. "You know Dan. Sometimes I wonder, how much did Lily really mean to you? How many times did you lie to her to make her feel a false sense of safe?" I paused searching his face for guilt. For anything at all but nothing.  "Dan, how much did I mean to you?"

He looks up, eyes cold and entirely indifferent. "I should have killed you the first chance I got." He snarled out, yanking his face away and continuing his fatal escape from the chains.

I stood back as they rattled and oddly enough, seeing him here chained made my heart feel lighter. I felt safe knowing that while his chains would never break through. The ones on my heart fell loose. "That's alright Dan. Perhaps in another life."

After all. Alphas aren't meant to be.

Turning my back I went to climb the stairs up from his cell. I had a war to stop.

Plot twist, Isy is an Alpha also.

Mm! I'm back for sure this time. Have this chapter for an apology for my lateness.

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