The shocking news...

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{Lily's P.O.V.}

I turned away grabbing Alpha Dan's hand which he gladly took continuing to talk with Alpha James in which I made a pointed way of not looking or speaking with him.

I swallowed and muttered, "Is... is Luke okay." my voice was barely  audible but the the other Alpha Male understood shaking his head before sighing, "We've in countered some problems." He told me his voice seemed off, scared even, "Lily... Luke has been having..."


"Luke has been having suicidal thoughts lately."

My heart, what was this feeling?

It caused my chest to hurt and brought tears my eyes, "W-what?"

I wanted Alpha James to laugh so I could laugh to pretending what he had said was part of his little sick trick to make me go back.

I could feel his eyes-Luke's dull green eyes boring into my back as I stood up making my way out the room, Luke was fine he just caught a cold... yeah a small cold, it was getting cold lately, I nodded it was getting cold in the middle of spring like it usually did at one point of the year when winter was still creeping away from the warm weather.

I saw the doors ahead of me and slowly made my way to them.

Once outside I let go of the breath I was holding and made my way towards the woods, gosh why was this all so familar.

"Yo! Lily."

I sighed turning around and sending Kyle my death glare, "Whats going on in there, I like - just got kicked out." he asked rubbing his neck sheepliy I crossed my arms "Aren't you the Beta male?" I asked him slightly rolling my brown eyes.

The ignorant Beta Male flashed me a white smlie "Yeah." Kyle said thinking about it until his face turned red, "I am! How dare they kick me out, I'm in charge of them!"

I patted his head and he slightly pouted sticking his tounge out at me.

"Okay, I'm stupid... but now I'm worried about you I kinda heard about greeny having crazed thoughts then you kinda storming out." raising a brow I slightly flinch "Greeny?" I asked trying to change the subject, which works, Kyle nodded "The tall pale looking one?"

"Thats Luke, Blue Moon's Beta." I answer turning around and contuing to walking through the forest.

 "Ahh, so that was your mate. I can see why you ran, he looks like a walking zombie." Kyle said following me "So where are we going."

Stop following me creep!

My eye slightly twichted and I took in a deep breath trying to ingore the tall male.

"I think he loves you."

I stopped and asked him, "What makes you think that." my voice, it had fear in it, fear of losing something-someone again "Well, have you ever thought of why he rejected you? Maybe there was a reason. Like I donno to protect you maybe."

I shook my head, no I had never thought about that I never thought that, Hey! his feelings might have broke as well "Kyle, why would he reject me to just that, he didn't like me like a..I was only a sister to him, what would you know about this anyway."

Kyle placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a smile, "Well I kinda know everything about that, Lily, My mate... He was human or is."

Human, wait...He?

"Oh s-sorry.." I muttered hiding my blush... "Don't be, it's just hard for us, it took a while. But I think he loves me for me." he looked away towards the Pack house, "Luke might be going through the same thing Lily, Maybe he thought it was best you guys weren't mates."

Best! Look at him he's half dead while I'm fine... prefectly fine.

That was lie, clearly I was just as broken as he was, maybe Kyle was right... or maybe this was fate...


Wow thanks guys over 100 votes! thank you so much! Pic of Luke.

Sorry for the Chapter being short.

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