A not so normal girl

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Ethel wasn't normal. Although she looked normal, she didn't quite behave like normal people would.

For example she had to wash herself several times a day. Mostly before and after she ate, before she went to bed and after she woke up. Otherwise she felt dirty.

She hated it when the wind blew through her hair, then Ethel felt uncomfortable. As a result she had to brush it until her hair fell once again in nice brown waves.

She had a strong dislike against dogs as well. These animals were too loud with their yapping and had no personality at all; they would do everything for their master.

Ethel often enjoyed a good nap throughout the day. She always felt relaxed afterwards and was ready for every work that yet had to be done.

She also behaved retiring sometimes. Ethel liked it from time to time to be left alone, although she also could enjoy company sometimes, but only if they weren't too loud and annoying.

Needless to say Ethel hated little children.

All put together one could say Ethel behaved like a cat.

Her parents didn't mind the somewhat strange behaviour of their daughter. They were busy people with an important work. Ethels father was very involved in politics and her mother supported him in every possible way.

Therefore they often had little time for Ethel and her brother James. In fact the children were often alone with their domestic workers.

One could say Ethels parents didn't even notice their daughters behaviour, her very cat-like behaviour.

It now occurred at a lovely morning in midwinter in 1902. The Barrinson Manor was snowbound as Ethel was reading one of her favourite books in the library.

It was one of these lovesick romances that somehow always had a good ending.

Just as Ethel finished the chapter, it was the penultimate, her housemaid came in and told Ethel that it was time for her daily lesson in etiquette.

Ethel loved all her classes. She loved her lessons in geography, French and literature. But she never liked her lessons in etiquette.

Perhaps her teacher was the reason: a far too serious women in her mid forties with the most boring attitude one can imagine.
Perhaps the problem was that Ethel never saw any reasons in attending this class, but yet had to.
Perhaps it was Ethels fault as she never really listened and was instead daydreaming.

She just didn't like this class with its boring lessons that just were a waste of time.

But today Ethel had the feeling, an instinct, that maybe something interesting might happen.

Something interesting indeed.

Hello dearest reader, thanks for reading this story.
Please ignore my probably bad grammar and choice of vocabulary (English isn't my native language 🙃).
Feel free to leave constructive feedback and have a nice day!

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