A screwed day

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As time went by Ethel had accepted her new life. She was no longer Ethel Barrinson, the daughter of the rich and mighty Barrinson family, but Ethel, the half-human.

It had taken her a while to adjust to her new situation, and to figure out how to become human again. In fact she was only recently able to change smoothly into her other form again.

But her second form held a great advantage: It helped a lot to receive some food because either she got some from people who just loved cats and gave her some or she could steal it easily. Secondly her fur kept her warm on cold nights and thirdly Ethel might have grown to enjoy the patting she got from little children.
Perhaps children weren't so bad after all.

It had been half a year that Ethel had run away from home. It was sommer now and Ethel's clothes were far too warm.

Therefore Ethel needed to get some new clothes. Her only chance was to steal them, so Ethel transformed into her cat-form and slowly approached the nearby village.

Long story short, it didn't work all too well.

Just as Ethel managed to find a clothes line with an acceptable dress, she turned back into a human and grabbed the dress.

But then a hand snatched around Ethel's wrist.

"I saw that, girl", a middle-aged man said with a grim face.

Ethel shrieked noticing the man just in that moment. She was so shocked of his presence that Ethel did the most stupid thing possible. She turned back into a cat in defence.

The men's eyes went wide.

In that single moment Ethel thought, no, knew, that she was definitely screwed.

Hello, it's me again.
I'm really sorry I haven't updated in so long, I've been very busy with school lately.
However, I hope you enjoyed the (rather short) chapter, feel free to leave constructive feedback.
Have a peculiar day!🐱💟

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