Chapter 5

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As Tommy and Wayne walked around the mall Tommy was waiting for the fans to start gathering around him and Wayne and as fate would have it the fans started swarming Tommy asking him questions about Wayne or when his next lore stream was going to be some of the fans asked Wayne questions about himself and how he and Tommy met someone fans gave Wayne glares and looks of disgust "Tommy he can't be your boyfriend your straight not gay" one fan said as she pushed Wayne away from Tommy "hay piss off don't touch him" Tommy said as he held Wayne closer to his chest "why don't you just let them be and let them go about their day" on fan said as he stepped in front of Tommy and wayne the fan scoffed and walked away "thank you" Wayne said to the fan standing in front of them "of course no problem" the fan said as he left "let's go look at the pet store" Tommy said as he walked with Wayne as the two boys head to the pet store they walked in and looked at the animals "Tommy look at the ferrets" Wayne said as he looked at the cage cute Tommy thought to himself "this one looks like a Loki don't you think Tommy" Wayne said as he pointed to a dark brown ferret "he looks like a trouble maker like me" Tommy said as he smirked at wayne "let's go look at the puppy's" wayne said as he pulled Tommy with him as the two found the puppy's Tommy was watching Wayne and saw how happy he was "look at this one Tommy it's a husky" Wayne said picking up the puppy and showing Tommy "I've always wanted a husky as a pet" Wayne said as he stroked the dog in his arms the puppy was resting its head on Waynes shoulder "it looks like he likes you" an employee said as she came over to the two boys "dose he have a name?" Wayne asked as he continued to pet the puppy in his arms "he hasn't been adapted yet" the employee said Wayne looked at Tommy and then looked back at the puppy in his arms "we'll take him" Tommy said as he pulled Wayne closer to him Wayne looked up at Tommy with disbelief in his eyes "T-Tommy a-are you serious about this" Wayne said as he looked at Tommy with tears forming in his eyes "yes bub I'm serious about adopting him" Tommy said as he kissed Wayne's cheek "alright if you'd follow me to the front I'll get you a leash dog bed collar and food" the employee said as she walked away to get the items after Tommy paid the employee the two boys left the pet store Wayne was very happy and really really confused about what just happened in the pet store Tommy looked at Wayne and stopped walking "are you ok bub?" Tommy asked as he put the crate with the newest member of their team down "y-yah just really confused about what the fuck you just did" Wayne said as he looked up at Tommy "well you said that you always wanted a husky as a pet so I-mph" Tommy was cut off from finishing his sentence by Wayne's lips on his as Wayne pulled away Tommy held his waist "I still can't believe we got a puppy today" Wayne said as he looked at the puppy carrier on the ground next to them  "well I can't believe that I have the perfect boyfriend living with me and I'm in love with you Wayne because I can be myself around you and I don't need to be my loud obnoxious self the one thing That I know is that I love you with all my heart Wayne and I don't ever want to let you go" Tommy said as he cupped Waynes face in his hands "T-Tommy" Wayne said with tears in his eyes as he hugged the blond "I love you too" Wayne said as he gripped Tommy tighter "cmon legs bring this pup home" Tommy said as he picked up the crate.
(Time skip)
As Tommy and Wayne entered the house they went upstairs to Tommy's room and set the crate down as Tommy open the crate the puppy stuck it's head out first and sniffed the air the puppy then walked out of the crate slowly and started to sniff everything around him "Hmmm" Wayne chuckled as he sat on the floor in front of Tommy he wrapped his arms around Waynes waist and kissed his neck up and down "do you like him" Tommy said as he rested his chin on Waynes shoulder as he watched the new puppy walk towards wayne and him with its tail waging "he's so cute" Wayne said as he picked up the puppy hand held it out in front of him "you need a name what to call you" Wayne said as he petted the puppy's head softly "what about scooby" Tommy said "no what about core no how about ash" Wayne said as he tilted his head back and looked at Tommy "he looks like an ash" Tommy said as he tightened his hold on Wayne "mmm I love you" Wayne said as he leaned on Tommy's chest with his back "I'm going to make some coffee do you want some" Wayne said as he stood up and handed ash to Tommy "sure I could go for a coffee" Tommy said as he sat on his bed "ok I'll be back soon" as Wayne went to the kitchen he started to coffee maker as the coffee was brewing he remembered a mission he did three years ago.
(Berlin germane 2018)
"Echo squad coms check" Wayne said as he touched his helmet "echo 2 check,echo 3 check,echo 4 check,echo 5 check" the team said "Kaitlyn take point Conner you take point with her" wayne said as he motioned his team forward "this just like that mission in Russia remember" Alix said as she followed behind Wayne with Aiden following behind her "two targets ahead Wayne" Kaitlyn said "take them out quietly and mark sure your not seen" Wayne said as he aimed his rifle in front of him and moved up in front of the group "hay du solltest nicht hier ghah" one of the targets said as his throat was slashed along with the other soldier beside him "echo squad move up and breach the building Conner I need you up  on the catwalk to cover us when we enter it's going to get loud when we breach" Wayne said as he took his position behind Aidan "3 2 1 breach" Kaitlyn said as the door was blown off "engage taking fire when the hell is that cover Conner" Wayne said as he shot two soldiers from behind cover "coving fire" Conner said as he layed down fire for his team "throwing smoke" Aidan said as the team moved up "target is on the move I'm going after him" Wayne said as he ran after the target as Wayne tackled the target to the ground he pistol whipped the target knocking the target out "all hostels down Wayne "canary we need extraction we have the target in custody" Wayne said into his ear pice in his helmet "this is canary roger on my way sir" the pilot said.
(Current day)
As the coffee stopped brewing Wayne snapped out of his thoughts as Wayne poured the coffee he brought it up to Tommy who was filming a vlog "his name is ash guys he's going to be a hand full" Tommy said as he held ash in his arm "oh look it's my bub" Tommy said as he pointed the camera at Wayne who had two mugs in his hands "here" Wayne said as he handed Tommy his mug "thank you" Tommy said as he put ash down and took the mug "alright guys I'll see you in the next vlog" Tommy said as he stopped recording "you were talking a while with the coffee everting alright bub" Tommy said as he looked at Wayne "yeah everything's fine not to worry about" Wayne said smiling at Tommy "alright but if something isn't fine you'll tell me right" Tommy asked "yes I will I promise if something isn't right I'll tell you baby I promise" Wayne said as he hugged Tommy.

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