Chapter 14

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As wayne and Tommy leave the base the head into town they walked around for awhile then Tommy had and idea he pulled Wayne to a restaurant that had a view of the water "is here good for dinner" Tommy asked as he rubbed the back of his neck "Tommy where ever you take me will be fine" Wayne said as he kissed Tommy's cheek and pulled him into the restaurant "table for two I assume" the server said as she talked to Wayne "yes table for two possible by the water" Wayne said "of course" the lady said as she led the two teens to there table there were a few people staring at them wayne looked nervous "ignore them bub their just jealous because you're the hottest thing here" Tommy said with a smirk Wayne blushed as Tommy said that as the boys sat at the table Wayne looked out the window "Wayne are you ok you've been distant lately is everything alright" Tommy asked as he reached across the table and put his hand on Wayne's "yah I'm fine sorry for being so distant lately I've had a lot on my mind recently" he said as he looked at Tommy "what's been on your mind" Tommy asked "you've been on my mind recently a lot actually I was thinking after the white mask situation would you like to live together" Wayne asked "Bub we are living together" Tommy said "no I mean o-on our own like living in an a-apartment on our o-own" Wayne said as he shifted his gaze Tommy couldn't believe what he was hearing his boyfriend wanted to get an apartment of their own and live without Tommy's parents so they wouldn't need to be quiet as they well you know Tommy thought for a moment then he smiled softly and nodded kissing Waynes hand Wayne looked at Tommy as he smiled as the waitress came and took their order the two talked about what apartment they wanted to get "it has to have three rooms our bedroom a guest room and I need a room for my steaming equipment" Tommy said Wayne smiled at him and giggled as he watched Tommy list off things for there new home together as the food came out the two started to eat and chat about their new place and what furniture they were going to get as they continued to talk a few fans came up to talk to Tommy about his streams and other things "so who's this Tommy" one fan asked looking at Wayne "he's my boyfriend" Tommy said as he smiled at Wayne "wait boyfriend as in gay boyfriend" the fan said "yes that's what having a boyfriend means if your a guy" Tommy said "I thought you were straight though you make all those jokes about getting a wife and it turns out that you're gay" the fan said as she started rambling "he's aloud to date anybody he wants in this world" wayne said to the fan "you don't get to talk your probably the one who turned him gay in the first place" star fan said as she pointed at Wayne "miss I'm going to have to ask you to leave your making a scene and your disrupting the other customers" a waitress said "fine I'll leave" she said as he stormed out of the building "we can't have one day out in public without getting talked to by fans" Tommy said as he looked at Wayne who shifted his gaze away from Tommy "hay don't listen to her I knew I liked you the moment we met and I would never change that" Tommy said as he held Wayne's hand "I wouldn't change that day too" Wayne said as he squeezed Tommy's hand "I love you bub" Tommy said "I love you too baby" Wayne said "since we're finished eating wana get out of here" Tommy said as he paid for the food "and go where" wayne asked "we'll this a date right so how about movie" Tommy said as he took Wayne's hand and led him out the door "so what movie do you want to see baby" Tommy asked Wayne, looked at the line up of movies " how about this one" wayne said as he pointed to a movie called Spector "Spector huh why not it looks good" Tommy said as the two entered the theatre "I'll get the tickets" Tommy said "no you paid for dinner I'll get the tickets" wayne said as he went and got the tickets and snacks as the two teens sat down in their sets the movie started as the movie progressed Wayne snuggled up to Tommy since the seats were double seats "getting comfortable bub" Tommy whispered in Wayne's ear Wayne nodded as he continued to watch the screen as a jump scare happened wayne snuggled into Tommy's chest Tommy giggled at Wayne's reaction he just hugged him tighter and kissed his head "I'll protect you baby" Tommy said Wayne looked up at him and blushed "what?" Tommy asked, Wayne just leaned up and kissed Tommy passionately Tommy kissed him back he bit Wayne's bottom lip just enough for Wayne to gasp in surprise at the sudden feeling Tommy took his chance and stuck his tongue in Wayne's mouth earning small quiet moans from the shorter boy Tommy exploded every nook and cranny of Wayne's mouth with his tongue as Tommy pulled away from Wayne there was a string of saliva Wayne sat there still processing what happened Tommy just kissed his cheek and continued to watch the movie Wayne eventually blushed the darkest shade of red that would put his hair to shame he just cuddled up to Tommy and continued to watch the movie with his boyfriend.

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