Chapter 11

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As Tommy sat in the living room he was watching the news "in other news the organization called the white masks have stepped up their attacks on the us government the director of the counterterrorist organization rainbow had this to say at a press conference this afternoon" the news anchor said "with the attacks increasing we need more operators more than ever so I am bringing in former operators from round the world" "that doesn't sound good at all" Wayne said as he sat next to Tommy on the couch with ash next to him as Wayne cuddled up with Tommy he got a call "one minute I'll be back" Wayne said "hello yes this is him" Wayne said into the phone "harry are you sure you need my help with this" Wayne asked as he looked back over at Tommy "ok when is the ride going to be here ok but one condition I bring my boyfriend with me to keep him safe that's my only condition" Wayne said as he hung up his phone "who was that bub?" Tommy asked as he stood up "you need to pack are ride is going to be here soon" Wayne said as he started packing his things "where are we going bub?" Tommy asked as he also started to pack his things "the guy that was just on the news the Director team rainbow called he needs me to come back to help with the white masks" Wayne said  as he packed up ash's things "wait so are we going some place safe like a base of operations?" Tommy asked as he went upstairs to pack some clothes for him and Wayne "yes we are now we don't have much time" wayne said as he grabbed his suitcase there was a knock at the door wayne answered it "hello Wayne" the woman said "hello Ella" wayne said as he saw the other operators standing outside the car waiting "come on Tommy I'll get ash" wayne said as Tommy came down the stairs "he can't come you know that civilians aren't allowed at the compound" Ela said "I already confirmed with six he's allowed to come with me" Wayne said as Tommy stood behind him holding ash with his suitcase in his other arm "c'mon let's go" Ela said as she walked towards the car "hay good to see you again Wayne" Kapkan said as he opened the door for him and Tommy "good to see you too maxim" wayne said "have everything" Eliza said as she started the car Wayne nodded as they sped off.
(Time skip)
As the car slowed to a stop the operators got out and helped Wayne and Tommy with there things "Wayne it's good to see you again I only wish it was on better circumstances" the man said as he  approached  the two boys "it's good to see you to harry" wayne said "so this must be your boyfriend Tommy" harry said as he shook Tommy's hand "yes it is and this is ash" wayne said as he held the puppy in his arms "hay that's my name" Eliza said as she was taking Wayne's things in to the base for him " you need to be briefed on the situation"  harry said "can me and Tommy get settled first" wayne asked "yes of course you can surprise the others after your settled in" harry said "thank you" wayne said as he and Tommy followed Eliza to the room they were staying in "here's your new quarters hope you find it comfy" she said "thanks ash" Wayne said "it's good to have you back  Wayne we missed you all of us it wasn't the same after you left" she said as he ruffled Waynes hair and left "so you never told me you were a counter terrorist" Tommy said as he sat on the bed "it was something I did when my dad was alive you know he was a counter terroirs as well and he was killed on a mission"  Wayne said in a sad tone as he started putting clothes away Tommy looked at Wayne then he stood up and pulled him into a hug "you haven't talked about your dad before but from what I can tell he must have been the best" Tommy said as he pulled wayne on his lap  "he was the best he always knew when I needed him" as Wayne said that there was a knock at the door as Wayne stood up he answered the door "hell-" Wayne was cut off as he was pulled into a hug "YOUR BACK I MISSED YOU" the voice said as "hi Oliver (Lion) it's good to see you too how as Finka" Wayne said "she's fine" Oliver said "so who's this" Oliver asked as he spotted Tommy "Oliver this is Tommy he's my boyfriend" Wayne said with a smile on his face "you have a good one Tommy don't ever let him go" Oliver said "I don't intended to trust me" Tommy said as he walked over and shook Oliver's hand "six needs both of you in cafeteria" Oliver said as he escorted the boys to the lunch room as they entered the room everyone was eating as Wayne walked in the room went dead silent as all eyes were on him and Tommy with Oliver behind them as Wayne walk in the room erupted with cheers and clapping and whistles for the returning operator as wayne walked to the front of the room he turned and faced his fellow operators "it's good to be back seeing all of you I already can tell that we're going to stop the white masks I'm happy to be back and can't wait to team back up with all of you" Wayne said as he held out his hand for Tommy to take as Tommy walked over to wayne all eyes were on him it was making him extremely nervous as Tommy took Wayne's hand he was shaking "if you're nervous we can go back to the room" Wayne said "n-no I-I'm fine" Tommy stuttered as he said that as one of the other operators came up the wayne and Tommy he looked at Tommy then Wayne "Thompson" he said "Jorden" Wayne said "haha it's great to have you back" thermite said as he pated Wayne's shoulder "so you must be Tommy Eliza said that your his boyfriend" Jorden said as his extended his hand "it's nice to met you Jorden" Tommy said as he shook his hand "harry wants to brief Hulu on the mission you'll be running tomorrow" Jorden said "am I aloud to be with Wayne as he's being briefed?" Tommy asked as he was still shaking Jorden saw how nervous Tommy was "yeah, of course, follow me" the man said as he led the two teens to the briefing room "ah Wayne Tommy good to see you again" Eliza said as she started the briefing.

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