Chapter 9

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As Wayne taught Tommy the rules of airsoft and how to use the equipment correctly he noticed how fast Tommy was learning "your a quick learner" Wayne said as he fired his pistol at the target "I learned from the best" Tommy said as he fired at the target "yah you say that now but when you face me with the team o you won't know what hit you trust me" Wayne said as he holstered his pistol "is that a threat bub" Tommy said as he pulled wayne by his waist towards him with a sly smile on his face "it might be thats up for you to decide baby" Wayne said as he kissed Tommy's jaw "stop teasing your making me horny" Tommy said as he picked Wayne up and wrapped his legs around his waist "what I can't help it you get flustered easily" Wayne said has he wrapped his arms around Tommy's neck "what am I going to do with you Wayne Thompson you drive me crazy sometimes" Tommy said as he kiss Wayne slowly and passionately "am I interrupting something" Wayne heard "Toby what are you doing here" Tommy asked as he put Wayne down "I-I wanted to see if W-Wayne could help me with learning airsoft" Toby said shyly "sure I can teach you how to play and the rules" Wayne said as he handed Toby his pistol "stand here both arms out legs and feet shoulder with apart and fire" Wayne said as Toby pulled the trigger and hit the target "d-did I hit it" Toby asked as he looked at wayne "yep your a good shot" wayne said as he pated Toby's shoulder Toby blushed as he heard wayne say that *whats wrong with you Toby your crushing on your best friends boyfriend but he's so hot and I bet he would make me scream his name as he-no stop thinking like that Toby* "hay Toby earth to tubbo you there" Tommy said as he waved his hand in front of Toby's face "y-yah I'm here" Toby said as he shook his head "you spaced out for a minute you alright buddy" Tommy said "Tommy how did you know that you liked Wayne" Toby asked this caught Tommy by surprise "w-well uh I guess- I just-  to be honest I don't know Toby it just clicked in my hand that I liked him" Tommy said as he sat down beside Toby "Tommy I think I have a crush on your boyfriend" Toby said in sad tone of voice Toby waited for Tommy to get angry or yell at him but he didn't Tommy just started to chuckle "w-why are you chuckling I just said that I have a crush on your boyfriend aren't you mad or pissed at me say something Tommy please" Toby said with tears forming in his eyes "hay hay it's ok " Tommy said as he wiped Tobys eyes with his thumbs "I'm not pissed or mad believe me I think everyone has a crush on my boyfriend so don't worry your still my best friend" Tommy said as he hugged Toby "t-thank you Tommy I needed that" Toby said as he hugged him back "I'm always here if you need to talk Toby so is Wayne"
Tommy said "I think I have a crush on mark" Toby said as he pulled away from the hug "wait a crush on ranboo" Tommy said with a smirk "stop teasing me I'm serious" Toby said as he covered his face "I'm not judging just surprised that's all" Tommy said as he brought Toby inside the house "yah yah I'll be there in a month don't worry mom yes I'll bring Tommy yes don't worry I'll let you know when I'm flying down alright yes I love you too bye" Wayne said as he hung up the phone "was that your mother bub" Tommy asked as he sat at the kitchen table with Toby beside him "yah she wanted to know when we're flying to Canada for a visit I said in a month so your meeting my mom soon yah" Wayne said as he rubbed his face "hay ash" Toby said as he picked up the puppy "your getting big" Toby said "he likes you" Wayne said as he stood behind Tommy Toby blushed as he set ash down "I-uh-I-I think I should go" Toby said "no your staying here" Tommy said as he pulled Toby over to the living room and sat him on the couch "T-Tommy" Toby said blushing "what are you doing" Toby said as Tommy texted someone "nothing don't worry about it they'll be here in a minute" Tommy said with a grin "why will be here soon?" Toby asked "hay Tommy you said you wanted to talk about something" Toby heard mark say as he entered the house "well not me toby has something he wants to tell you," Tommy said as he left the living room "YOU ASS," Toby said as he watched Tommy walk away "so you wanted to tell me something," mark said as he sat down next to Toby "y-yes I-I w-wanted to t-tell you t-that I h-have a" Toby was cut off by lips on his and he felt himself being pulled onto marks lap "mmm" Toby moaned into the kiss as he trailed his hand up marks chest then his neck as the two stopped kissing toby pulled away slowly and looked at Mark with a blushing face "I really really like you toby  I just couldn't keep theses feelings down anymore," mark said as he cupped Toby's cheek "I-I-like y-you t-too," Toby said as he kissed mark again as wayne and Tommy came back into the living room wayne smiled "let's give them som privacy," wayne said to Tommy as he pulled him back outside to train

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