Chapter 7

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As Wayne woke up he looked beside him and saw Tommy laying next to him Wayne then lifted the covers up and looked down at his body Wayne blushed as he remembered what happened last night Wayne felt the bed shift as he felt an arm around his waist and a raspy voice "morning bub" Tommy's raspy morning voice said into his ear "morning Tommy" Wayne said as he turned to face Tommy in the bed "last night was perfect" Tommy said as he pulled Wayne closer to him "it was wasn't it" Wayne said as he kissed Tommy's lips "bark!" The two heard from the floor "morning you little punk" Tommy said as he picked up ash and put him on the bed ash just snuggled up in between Tommy and Wayne as Wayne stroked ash he felt Tommy get out of the bed as Wayne watched Tommy stretch his arms and legs "so what's on the agenda for today Tommy" Wayne said as he sat up and got out of the bed earning a small bark from ash as Tommy ran the shower Wayne was scrolling through his phone "hay Tommy the SMP is having a meet up in London this weekend" Wayne said as he walked over to Tommy "as in the whole SMP Clay George Sapnap and the others" Tommy asked as he looked at Wayne's phone "yes all of the members are going to be there" Wayne said as he put his phone on the bathroom counter "wow gogys finally going to met Clay" Tommy said as he pulled Wayne into a kiss.
(Time skip)
Waynes POV
As Tommy was in the shower I went outside to the backyard to let ash out I sat down on the deck and thought about my past relationship (Canada,Toronto 2017 3D pov)  "wayne I'm home" a voice said as it entered the apartment "in the kitchen Tyler" Wayne said as Tyler entered the kitchen to find Wayne making him food "how was the hang out with the guys" Wayne asked as he placed the food in front of Tyler "it was fine how was your day" Tyler asked wayne stiffened up at the question Wayne already knew that Tyler saw him leave the apartment he has the whole apartment rigged with cameras "m-my day was fine I went out with Kaitlyn and my friends" Wayne said as he started shaking as he sat down in front of Tyler "that's good but you know the rules" Tyler said as he put his plate in the sink Wayne shook even harder as Tyler approached him "I'm supposed to be with you when you go out with your friends" Tyler said as Wayne stood up next thing Wayne knew he was on the ground getting kicked punched cut and smacked as blood pored from the open wounds Tyler stood up and walked to the  bedroom slamming the door and locking it as Wayne lay on the floor beaten and crying he pulled out his phone and dialed his father "hello" the voice said on the other end "d-dad I-it's m-me" Wayne choked out just above a whisper "buddy are you alright you don't sound alright Wayne what happened" John said as he was putting his shoes on "T-Tyler" was all Wayne said "Wayne I'm calling Aidan and Connor and the police this shit ends tonight" John said as he got on his car.
(Time skip) as Wayne was sitting on the ambulance back he saw Tyler being taken away in cuffs "ROT IN HELL WAYNE YOU SON OF A BITCH WHEN I GET OUT ILL KILL YOU YOU HEAR ME WAYNE ILL FUCKING KILL YOU" Tyler screamed as two officers shoved him it the back of their car and left as Wayne started to cry as Conner and Aidan sat beside him they enveloped Wayne into a hug "he can't hurt you anymore man" Conner said "let's get you to the hospital and check you out" the EMT said.
(Present day)
Wayne touched his face he felt tears on his face he wiped them with his sleeve as ash came running over to him "h-hay buddy" Wayne said as he picked ash up and brought him inside "hay are you ok you look like you've been crying" Tommy said as he rubbed Wayne's cheek with his thumbs "can I tell you something" Wayne said as he sat on the couch beside Tommy "you can tell me anything bub" Tommy said Wayne nodded as he told Tommy everything about Tyler and what he did to him.

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