Chapter 10

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As Wayne was checking his weapons for the airsoft match Tommy walked in waring tactical gear that wayne rented for him to use during the airsoft match "so you ready for the match" Wayne asked as he put his helmet on his head "yah I'm ready to beat you bub" Tommy said with determination as Wayne walked up to him and ran his hand across his cheek then under his chin Tommy shivered slightly at Waynes touch "you can try to beat me who knows maybe you will" wayne said as he pecked Tommy's lips quickly then made his way to the open area where the match was happening Tommy followed behind the ginger as they came to clays group witch consisted of George Wilbur Nick Mark Toby Alix Daryl Zac Nikki Puffy and Tommy "so the rules are simple you each have three lives if you loose all three you leave the map and head to the viewing room where everyone else is" Wayne said "we have go-pros on the vests I also wanted to say I have one life if you shoot me the match is over or I can have three lives like you guys" Wayne said "I think one life would be good for you because you have experience in this field" Clay said with everyone agreeing with him "alright I'll give your team a two minute head start so start running and watch your six" Wayne said as he started walking to a old building as Clay and his team started hunting Wayne they split into pairs of two each going different directions "see him yet" Sapnap said to Alix "no you" Alix said back "nothing yet" nick said "oh you boys don't know what you got yourselves into" wayne said as he fired shots at the two hitting them "god dam it" Nick said "see you later you two" Waynes said as he disappeared Wayne was stalking Tommy Toby and Mark "hahaha" Wayne laughed as the tree jumped at the sudden noise "where is he" toby said as he frantically looked around "I don't see him" mark said Tommy was being cautious about the situation *clang* a smoke grenade was tossed in the room filling it with smoke "fuck I can't see" Toby said as he felt for Mark "Toby I'm here" Mark said as he found Toby's arm Toby sighed with relief "Tommy" Mark said no responses from Tommy "do you think wayne got him" Toby said "no but I got you two" Wayne said hanging from a wire upside down that was attached to the one of the bars on the roof of the building "holy shit where'd you come from" Toby said as he looked at the boy hanging upside down in front of him Wayne just pointed up "oh" Toby said as Wayne retracted the wire he was pulled up with the wire "he's like Batman" Toby said to mark "yes a very deadly version of Batman" mark said as Wayne was checking the building he herd footsteps in front of him so he waited for the barrel of the gun to round the corner as wayne saw the battle he grabbed it and pushed the rifle upward and away from him as he pulled the person holding it and pushed them into the wall but the person over powered him pinning Wayne to the wall instead "hay bub" Tommy said as he removed Waynes helmet to find Wayne blushing as he shifted his eyes to look up at Tommy "h-hay" Wayne said as he tried to pull his sidearm out and shoot Tommy "hay I have the advantage here" Tommy said as he grabbed Wayne's sidearm and tossed it aside" you look good pinned against a wall bub" Tommy said in a low tone that made Wayne shiver "mmm" Wayne moaned softly as he rested his head against Tommy's "you look hot in that tactical gear Tommy" Wayne said as he placed his arms around Tommy's neck as Tommy pulled him closer by his waist " you look hot too bub" Tommy said as he leaned in to kiss Wayne "mhhm" Wayne moaned into the kiss as Tommy tilted his head to deepen the kiss Tommy pulled away from Waynes lips "fuck" was all he said as he attacked Wayne's neck with bite marks and hickeys leaving bruises on him "fan out find him" the two herd from down the hall "go I'll say you jumped me" Tommy said as he handed Wayne his weapons "no you caught me fair and square" Wayne said "but bu" Wayne cut Tommy off by giving him a quick kiss and the next thing Tommy knew he was knifed by Wayne "sorry baby" Wayne said as he put his helmet back on "your a little sneak you know that" Tommy said as he watched Wayne drop another smoke grenade and vanished "Tommy did you see him" will said as he checked around the corner "nope haven't seen him" Tommy said as he walked down the hallway that wayne disappeared down after Clays team was wiped out of life's it was just wayne and Clay everyone was watching the go-pros from the viewing area the watched Waynes feed as he was watching dream from afar "should I scare him or just take his las life from here" Wayne said to his go-pro "screw it" Wayne said as he fired from his spot as it hit Clay "dam" Clay said "I win but you came very close to stopping me" wayne said as everyone walked onto the map and clapped for the team "good god your scary" George said as wayne removed his helmet "imagine I had my team with me all of you wouldn't stand a chance against us" Wayne said as Tommy hugged him from behind "that was fun" Tommy said against Waynes neck as he placed kisses on him "it was" Wayne said as he
leaned into Tommy's hold.

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