Chapter 7

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Bandit gave her a dismayed glare. "Wheres the food you promised?" Vinespirit turned around towards him, "Bear, and no need to be rude. I saved your life you know." She retorted. Blu looked between them, his eyes widened. Vinespirit knew she never should of took in a fox, they always caused trouble. "Just deal with not having food. And we still need to get to The Kingdom of Panth if you've forgotten." Vinespirit lashed her tail, she felt angry and exhausted, and wished she could have someone else who helped the group, just not her. It was hard enough taking care of herself. She turned, dashing out the den. Blu and Bandit shared dismayed looks, then quickly followed. Vinespirit followed the path again, and she could make out a building in the distance.. It was The Kingdom of Panth! She let out an excited squeal, before realizing she was acting like a child. "Uhm.. Sorry!" She murmured, before she started running. Blu and Bandit followed, panting heavily. "Can't we eat?" Blu wailed. "No!" Vinespirit curled her lip in a snarl, before letting out an exasperated sigh. "Sorry again.. But, the Kingdom of Panth is so close. I know they'll have amazing food!" Blu had to admit she was right, the building figure was not far away, and you could see its colors now. It was a light blue and white castle, with small figures around it. Blu decided they were guards.




The three skidded in front of the castle, then heard a loud yowl. "Stop right there!" A gruff voice approached them, and it was one of the guards speaking. "Why are you here?" "Uh..Umm.." Vinespirit fumbled for words, what was an excuse they could use? She then realized, there was none. "Climb!" She rushed to the other two, picking them up with her vines, then rushing back to the castle door. The gray, dull walls were made of stone, so they were hard to climb on. She had a solution though, there was long strands of moss hanging from the walls. Vinespirit unsheathed her claws, digging them into the moss and she started to climb the wall. One of the guards let out a shriek. "After them!" Blu wailed in dismay, and Vinespirit paused for just a second to look down. About 20 guard cats had started piling onto the wall, yelling battle cries and thrusting their spears up everytime they heaved themself upwards. Vinespirit yowled in pain as a guard hit her with a spear, yet that gave her enough energy to thrust herself upwards. She poised her vines, digging them into the moss and jumping upwards, she repeated this a few times, then she was at the top of the castle. She flopped onto the top, panting. "Vinespirit! Vinespirit!" Bandit prodded her, his voice high and desperate. "Get up! Their gonna-" His voice was cut off by Blu's shriek.

The small pup had fell off the castle.

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