Burning pile~ (Hank x F!reader)

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(This wasn't a request, I just listened to this song and thought: Hey, why not? Angst to fluff? HELL YEAH!!!) (P.s. This might be cringy, sorry for that if it is.)

Warnings⚠: depressing themes, murder (ofc), self harm (in a way), SA nightmares

G/C means grunt color

1st POV:


                Lately, I've been having horrible dreams. Dreams of men. Hurting me. I felt it. Each and every time. I've grown distant to the boys because of it. I can tell Hank is getting irritated. Unless we are on missions, I stay up in my room and pick at my arms, sometimes to the point where they bleed. I have little bumps on my arms, and I pop them to at least get a little satisfaction out of this horrible place called Nevada. I pick at my legs and my face too. It hurts, but it gets the job done. Just throwing my body parts into my personal burning pile...

               I can tell the boys are starting to notice. They see the little red inflamation bumps on my arms and the scabs on my (g/c) face. Deimos asked me about it a few times and 2B studied them for a bit, but I told them it was just acne. They suprisingly bought it, and didn't bother me about it anymore. Hank never questioned, neither did Sanford. I kind of wish Hank did, because I've liked the murderer for a while now, but again, I'm scared of men in a way some people don't relate to.

3rd POV


            "Okay, today we have a mission to raid an A.A.H.W building for ammo and medical stuff. We're splitting into 2 groups, Sanford and Deimos in one, and I'll stick with Y/N. Keep the killing to a minimum this time." Hank explained. "Wow, you told us to keep the killing to a minimum? That's rare..." Y/N was zoning out of the whole conversation, seemingly ignoring what everyone was saying, she couldn't focus. She had another dream last night, and this time it was about Hank. She was terrified, to the point where she was shaking.

          "Y/N? Y/N!!!" Hank yelled. She let out a startled yelp, and looked over at him. Everyone seemed concerned, except for Hank. He just looked pissed. "Y/N. You need to focus. After the mission, I want you to meet me up in my room. Ok?" Now Y/N is more scared then what she ever was. Was that dream just a forshadowing of future events? Deimos nudged Hank, and whispered something in his ear. Hank froze a second, then went back to normal. "Ok, get ready, then we're going out. Got it? And Y/N. Keep your head in the game, god damn it! I don't need any casualties." 

          "Is this a stealth mission?" Y/N asks. Hank just simply nodded. Sanford and Deimos shot a simpathetic glance at Y/N, then left for their rooms.

1st POV:


            I sighed and went to my room. I closed the door and slid down. "Why... why?" Lets just say I was panicking. Oh god, was he gonna hurt me? No time to think of that now, it's time for the mission. I get dressed in (your combat clothes) and black combat boots. I walk out of my room and to the front door. 

--------------------------------------------------------time skip :3---------------------------------------------------------

             We exit the vehicle and quietly go into the main base. I take my gun off my back and hold it shakily. Me and Hank both hide behind boxes. I put a silencer on my gun, and Hank does the same. We both shoot the two guards blocking the entrance to the next room. We grab what was needed from this room and go into the next. Hank shoots one of the guards and I strangle the other one, who was sleeping. Hank gives me a thumbs up, while I just nod.

-------------------------------------------------------another time skip--------------------------------------------------

          2nd POV:

              The groups arrived back at the base. The mission was successful. It was time for your meeting with Hank, and you were terrified.

              You walked in and shut the door. "Y-you wanted to see me, Hank?" you stuttered. You didn't know what to expect.

              "Y/N. Tell me. Have you been having nightmares?" he asks. You gulp, not expecting the question. "W-well, yes I have... I'm sorry if I was screaming and being loud I'm sorry for not telling you guys its just embarrassing and-" Hank raised a finger, cutting you off. "It's fine. Don't apologise, they're dreams, you can't control them." He looks at you in a way you couldn't recognise. Anger? Pity? Sadness? You didn't know. All you could tell is that he wasn't going to hurt you. "Y/N. Have you been hurting yourself? It doesn't go unnoticed by Sanford and I." he speaks again. You looked at him suprised. "Ah... uh, yeah.." you say dejectedly. 

                He walks up to you and grabs your chin softly, his touch sending shivers down your spine. Your blush was increasing, would he notice? He wrapped his arm around your waist and leaned in, something you've longed for a very long time. He examines your face. "Why are you doing it? You're ruining your face." he stated. You looked down. He took his hand off your face. Tearing up, you said "I'm sorry..." "I said don't apologise, I just need an explanation..." he cut you off again. You look up. As you looked up, you notice his mask was off. He must've taken it off while I was looking down, you thought. He leaned in ever more, to where his mouth was just about to touch yours. "Stop hurting yourself, its hurting me." His lips met yours in a gentle kiss. He pulled away after a few seconds, your face a color that would put the ripest tomatoes to shame. "Do you understand? I care about you, so stop." His red goggles met your (e/c) orbs. Hank looked at you and held you as if you were a thin piece of glass, afraid you'd break. "I-I'll stop... it'll take a while, but I'll stop..." you speak. Hank hugged you tightly. He didn't speak, just held you against his chest like a stuffed bear. I could get used to this, you thought. Hey, at least you didn't have to throw your feelings in that burning pile anymore. You could talk to Hank, and he would listen. 

                 You're glad you met this murderer, or else the nightmares would've gone on for a really long time, probably until you died. Hey, you didn't die yet, so that's an accomplishment!


Thanks for reading guys! Sorry if it didn't make much sense, I tried my best. I recomend listining to the song while reading, it fits well. :3 Author out!!!

Update: I'm sorry for anyone I may have offended while making this story, in hindsight I shouldn't have made this. I know it is a sensitive topic and I should have written it. I don't know when I'll take it down or if I will, but I'm sorry.

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