Can't sleep... (Hank x reader fluff to lime)

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A/N, this wasn't a request. I just got the idea a few days ago and couldn't stop thinking about it. So, enjoy!

2nd A/N: I updated this story because I hated it and it didn't follow my original idea, so I hope you enjoy this version.

2nd POV:

You were up late last night. You don't know why, but you just were. Something kept you up, and it was the feeling of being watched. Every night for the past week you felt this way, and you didn't know why, hence you not sleeping well, hence your relationship with the rest of the Dissenters diminished. It's like your a stranger now, and you hate it. Nobody notices when you walk in the room, nobody realizes when you talk because you're talking so quietly. Hank took note of this, however. You don't really see him as the type to care about someone, but he cares a lot about you. A LOT. 

Anyway, you went up to bed again, barely speaking 5 words that whole day, and speaking for you is a whole other problem in of itself. You climbed into your bed, not even caring about getting undressed. Now is usually the time that the person comes in your room. 3...2...1... the door opens. You can see the light of the hallway on your wall. 

The shadow of the man coming into your room was about 6'2, a whole foot taller than you. (You're 5'2 in this, shawty) He sat on your bed, like every night. You closed your eyes, not wanting him to know you're awake. He brushed the hair out of your eyes, speaking softly he said, "God, you're so pretty..." You blushed a little, but thanks to the darkness, he couldn't see. He continued to stroke your cheek lovingly. "I don't know how you get me like this... its interesting. I don't understand this feeling, that's why I can't tell-... I've never felt like this before. You're so...just..." he paused. "Perfect." You turned a little, leaning into his touch, which startled him. "Are you awake...?" he asks. You don't respond, in fear of the consequences. He took his hand off your cheek. "I should probably go, or else you'll wake up." You felt the weight shift, meaning he was off the bed.

You knew it was Hank this time. You could recognize the voice, even though he doesn't speak much. You heard the door close, and steps receding in the direction of his room. You didn't want to admit it, but you missed his touch. It sent shivers up your spine, and made you crave for more. You would be lying if you said you didn't crush on him majorly. He made you feel things that no one else made you feel. Realizing this, you sat up, grazing the cheek he stroked with your hand. You felt the butterflies increase in your stomach, which, in turn, made your cheeks glow a bright red.

"God, what is wrong with me..." you spoke. You looked at your clock. "5:30? God, I didn't even get any sleep. I'll just go to the kitchen to make breakfast. Sanford should be getting up soon anyways." You got up and changed into something comfortable; sweatpants, a white t-shirt, and a hoodie. You took off your boots, because you didn't change out of your clothes the night before.  You walked out of your room and went downstairs and into the kitchen.

Surprisingly, Sanford was already there. "Hey there, chucklehead. Woah, why's your face so red?" he asked. "Uhh, thinking about stuff..." you responded bashfully. "Oh, ok. Anyways, you wanna help make the pancakes?" "Sure. I was planning to make breakfast with you anyways." This is strange, somehow you feel more energetic, even though you have a huge lack of sleep that will take a few days to catch up on. You're surprised at how much you're talking. Oh well, time to make pancakes I guess. 

-----------------------------------------Time skip :D-----------------------------------------------------

Everyone was awake now, and eating the pancakes you and Sanford made. It was one of those rare days where you could have something other than granola for breakfast. Plus, you and Sanford were planning this for a few days. Anyways, Hank and Deimos were eating, and you didn't feel hungry, so you made just enough for them, and not enough for you to have some. Might as well not make it if you're not going to eat it. Hank piped up, "Hey, Y/N, why aren't you eating? Isn't there enough for you?" You told him that you didn't want to eat, so you and Sanford made just enough for them. You left and went to the couch, sitting down with a PLOP! 

Hank sat down next to you, a little too close. Your face was heating up again, and butterflies were swarming. He moved his hand closer to your, almost touching. He looked down on the ground. "We don't have any missions today. So... do you wanna... hang out?" (wanna HANK OUT- ok I'm done-) You looked down at your hand, you didn't even realize he was holding it. "Sure." Somehow, his hand was squeezing tighter, and you felt it shake a bit.

-----------------------------------------Time skip :D-------------------------------------------------------

You and Hank were hanging out in his room, he was on the Xbox, and you were sitting on his bed watching. "DAMNIT!! FUCK YOU!!" He just lost in Apex Legends. He threw his remote across the room, creating a dent in the wall. You heard Deimos scream from somewhere else, "WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK WAS THAT?!?!" (I just pulled a little funny- ok I'll stop)

You got off the bed and stretched, it was about 5:10 at night. "Hank? Imma go get ready for bed." you told him. As you got up to leave, he grabbed your hand. "Wait. I... have something I want you to know." 

He suddenly pulled you close to him, making you flush. "Y-yes?" "I... I like you... like, not platonically. This is gonna sound creepy, but I've been watching you sleep, because I want to make sure no one hurts you. It gives me peace of mind... sorry." Seriously? Hank, your CRUSH, is confessing to you? Right now? Oh god, the butterflies were swarming again.

 He cut off your internal thoughts by saying this, "If you don't believe me, I can show you." W-what? What's that supposed to me-" He cut you off by pulling you closer, hand on your waist. He took off his mask, showing you his scarred jaw (I head cannon that when he got revived by Tricky, his jaw was fixed, but had scars from where it was torn off). He then kissed you, his slightly chapped lips met your soft ones. He pulled you closer, if possible, and slid his arms up and down your waist, making you shiver. You kissed him back shyly, your arms wrapping around his neck. He nibbled on your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You shuddered, and kept your mouth closed to tease him. He growled slightly and moved you to the wall, pinning you. You gasped, and that led him to plunge his tongue into your mouth. You moaned slightly, not expecting the gesture. He suddenly pulled away, panting. You were still pinned to the wall, but he let you go, leaving you a panting, flustered mess.

"Thanks for the exchange. Now go get ready for bed, we have a mission tomorrow."

Madness Combat x reader Oneshots (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now