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Hello, sorry for the short story. I wrote this one late at night and this was my only idea really. If you'd like you could comment some ideas you would like for me to write. Have a great day/night. =)

"Hey Sam, have you seen Cas?" asked Charlotte "No, I haven't" "Okay, I was just wondering." "HEY SAMMIE! I have a job that you need to do research on. Where you at?" Dean asked "In the kitchen, Imani got breakfast ready before they left." Sam replied. Soft footsteps soon approached into the kitchen. Sam and Dean turned around to see Castiel walking into the kitchen, with Kevin not far behind. "Sam, Dean" Cas says with a nod. They both nod back. "Sam have you seen Charlotte today by any chance?" Cas asked right before shoving bacon into his mouth. Ever since his grace was stolen Cas hasn't been the same. He eats, sleeps, craps and repeats. He's human... Sam was brought back to reality with Dean snaping Infront of his face. "Uh, she asked me about 20 minutes ago where you were. I think she's in Imani's room watching Parry Hotter." Cas shuffles away in the direction of Imani's room.  "MOOSE....MOOOOOSE.....MOOSIE-POOH" 'Can someone just shut him up?" asks Sam. "MooOoOoOOsE" Crowley says in more of a sing song voice this time. Sam begins to storm down to the dungeon but gets stopped by Keven. But this wasn't Keven... It cant be... "I kil- no HE killed him..." Sam stated to himself. When he looked up Keven was gone. He turned around to see everyone standing behind him. Imani, Charlotte, Dean, Keven, Crowley, even Bobby. But what really got under his skin was their eyes, or should I say what was left of them. If there is even anything left... It just looks like black charcoal. He thought to himself "it cant get any worse then this...right?" oh how he was wrong. Almost as if they were puppets on a string they all dropped at once. He looked down to see his hand on Charlies forehead with an angelic glow coming out of her eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and even the small airspace between his hand and her forehead. He starts to feel as if he's falling, so he closes his eyes. The last thing he feels is a huge gerk, kind of like his whole body has a muscle spasm all at once. When he opened his eyes he saw nothing but darkness. Well that is until he was blinded by a bedside lamp being turned on flooding the once dark room with a bright light. "Hey, babe you okay?" Imani said sitting up rubbing their eyes with the sleeve of the oversized flannel they stole from Sam. "Yeah...Yeah it was just a nightmare lets go back to sleep." "are you sure? We can stay up and talk about it if you'd like..." He gave them a smile and rapped his arms around their waist and pulled them back down onto the bed. They kissed each other goodnight and they both went to sleep.


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