Damn Clowns P.T.2

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Suicide//Bulling//Abuse//Strong Language

Story begins here:


Emily walks out of her tent holding a key. "Here" she says holding out the key. Nathan reaches for it when she jerks it back. "I'm going with you. You can unlock the door and go inside but I want to be there incase things go south and he tries to kill you or something." Nathan looks at her with objecting eyes, but he does think that she may have a point. He agrees and they head to the trailer.


They arrive at the trailer and hesitantly put the key in the lock, Nathan twist the key and unlocks the door. He opens it and is hit with a potent, stench. He covers his face and looks back at Emily. She looks at him with fear and nods her head in a way that signals him to go in. He looms at the entrance for a few more moments before taking a deep breath and walking in. In the middle of the room he sees Jim. He quickly turns around and runs out. When outside he slams the door shut and locks it. Before looking at Emily and breaking down in tears. He drops on his knees at her feet and starts saying "I'm sorry" he says it over and over again his voice breaking a little more every time. Emily grabs him by the shoulders and asks repeatedly "What? What happened Nathan? What's wrong?" Her voice begins to break as she realizes what is happening. "Don't tell me.. is- is he g-, did he-, no, no, no, no" Emily begins. She cant speak complete sentences. Nathan looks at her, but all he can see is the image of Jim hanging from a rope in his trailer. A small box that contained his clown make-up kicked over at his feet. The dried blood soaked into the rope that wrapped his neck. "I-I have to tell S-Simon, I have to call the police." Nathan says rubbing his eyes. "Please make sure no one goes in there, not even you Emily.. Okay?" Nathan asks while standing. 

Two Weeks Later:

"Hey, Dean. Come look at this." Charlotte yells from the library. Dean walks in there and Char points at her computer screen. Its an article that reads "Entire Circus Mysteriously Killed, 12 Dead, 6 Critical, 2 Unharmed. Does Greenville, South Carolina Have A New Killer?" "Damn" Dean says "You think it's a job?" Char asks as Dean reads the article. "I mean a clown kills himself then boom all but his best friend and mistress are practically dead. All of them have their necks broken and the weirdest part is that they have tomatoes shoved into their mouths like a roasted pig." Char continues. "Sammy might not be too happy about this hunt but I think it's worth the look. I mean it's a victim a day practically. Considering we're in South Dakota, that's like a 2 day drive minimum to get there. We should leave soon if we're going." Dean says. "SAMMY! IMANI! CAS! LETS LOAD UP WE'VE GOT A LONG DRIVE AHEAD OF US!" Dean yells. They all gather in the library with their usual hunting bags. They head out of the bunker and load the Impala. Imani loads their bike with their and Charlottes items. Once everything is loaded they head off, Sam, Dean, and Cas sit in the Impala, while Charlotte and Imani take the bike.

Two Days Later 

After many stops for gas, monsters, food, and sleep they finally see a sign that says, "Welcome To Greenville" They get their motel rooms organized and start mapping out a plan. Sam and Imani question the two survivors as FBI agents while Cas and Char walk the circus grounds with EMF devices. Dean gets the easy job of going to the coroner's office and burning the body. 

Sam and Imani's POV

"Okay, let me do the talking and you follow." Sam says looking at Imani. "Why do you always get to lead these kinda things? Maybe I wanna do it for once." Imani replies "Do you want to?" asks Sam "Well.. No, but that's not the point!" says Imani. Sam chuckles and they head to the motel that Nathan and Emily are staying at. 

Cas and Charlotte's POV

"Getting anything?" Charlotte asks Castiel. "No, I am not" replies Cas. "Damnit" Charlotte says shaking her monster can. "I'm all out" she says sadly. Castiel looks at her and tilts his head to the side. He reaches in his bag that he was carrying and grabs a lukewarm peach monster, and hands it to Charlotte. "This is why I love you!" Charlotte states while grabbing the monster from him and kissing him on the cheek. They continue walking around the grounds with no success from the EMF readers.

Deans POV

"Excuse me, I'm agent Smith and I'm here to see the body of a Suicide that recently occurred." Dean says to the coroner. After a few more minutes of talking to the coroner he shows Dean to the body. The coroner explains that he is about to go on his lunch break and will be back in 30 minutes. Dean thanks him for his help and gets busy at work. The coroner leaves and Dean grabs the salt and lighter fluid. Dean pours the fluid on the body. Just as he is about to pour the salt he gets slung across the room. It was Jim preventing Dean from burning his body. He doesn't want to leave. He is angry, he hasn't finished what he started. Dean shoots him with a round of salt from his shotgun. He races to the table where Jim's body is laying but again he is thrown away. Jim's spirit isn't going to let Dean burn the body. Jim grabs Dean again and slams him into a wall of cabinets which cause the glass in them to shatter. He continues to throw dean again, and again, and again. Finally Jim slips up and throws Dean onto his body where Dean is able to pour the salt. This pisses off Jim even more. Jim charges at Dean to which Dean doges and is able to light a match. He throws the match onto the body and Jim disappears. 

Team Free Will Group Chat

Peachy: We got nothing, what about you guys?

Polar Bear: The survivors told us everything we already knew, that he was heavily bullied by the town and workers at the carnival. I gotta get Sam out of here before he has a panic attack over the clown painting the girl Emily is holding onto.

Scaredy Cat: I am not about to have a panic attack thank you very much. Its just getting hard to breathe and my heart is beating in my throat, and the world is starting to get a little dizzy.

Peachy: How about you dean?

Pie Addict: The body is taken care of I think we should meet up and get something to eat, I'm starving.

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