New Friend?

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"Imani? What the hell are you doing?" Sam asks. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going with you guys!" I reply. "No you're not." Dean says. "Why?" I ask? "Oh I don't know maybe because you KILLED YOURSELF A COUPLE OF WEEKS AGO." Charlotte says looking at me dumbfounded. "ITS BEEN OVER 2 MONTHS WHY WONT YOU LET IT GO? YOU LET ME DRINK ALL THE MONSTERS I WANT AGAIN, YOU LET ME STOP DOING THE LAUNDRY, I ONLY HELP BOBBY WITH PHONE CALLS WHEN IM BORED. THE ONLY THING YOU HAVENT LET ME DO IS GO ON A HUNT! THATS ALL I WANT, PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU LET ME GO, I MIGHT KILL MYSELF AGAIN IF I DONT LEAVE THIS BUNKER! DO YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW MANY DOORS WE HAVE IN THIS PLACE BECAUSE I CAN TELL YOU! THERE ARE F-" "Fifteen" Cas says cutting me off. "Fuck you" I say quietly but harshly under my breath. "Whatever ya'll go hunt Witches, or Demons, or fucking Kryptonite for all I care I'll stay here and watch Parry Hotter for the billionth time by myself again." I say turning and storming off to my room. "They all look at Sam with a look that says "go talk to her" so he starts walking in my direction. When he reaches my room I'm sitting on my floor with my turtle stuffie squeezed tightly into my face quietly crying. He sits down beside me and grabs my hand. "We're worried about you. We don't want you making harsh decisions like that again. It wasn't fair that you had to be the one to carry the weight of that. We love you, and watching you drag that blade across your neck really hurt us not just mentally but physically too." Sam says rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand. "I know but I don't feel like I should be punished for something I was forced to do." I say looking up at him with a cracking voice, and puffy red eyes and tears rolling down my cheeks. I continue "I just felt like I needed to go... I had a vision last night that I was on a hunt and someone else was there. They weren't a monster or anything, I don't think. They seemed pretty docile, like they wanted to help, like they were a hunter. I think I need to go to meet this person. I mean they may not even be on this exact hunt but I need to make sure." "I'll talk to Dean, okay? I might be able to convince him." Sam says in a soft voice. He gets up and walks out of my room. Shortly after I hear Dean and Sam arguing about me saying "I'm not in the right place of mind and how I could get us all into trouble." The same things Dean has been yelling for weeks. I get up and wipe my tears away. I head towards the group and say "I get it okay? I know I fucked up, I can admit that. I'll stay here and train and help Bobby with the phones. You guys stay safe out there and I'm sorry I blew up. Whenever you're ready for me to go out again I'll be here. Food will be ready when you get back, just call me first okay?" I shove a very obvious fake smile onto my face and kiss Sam's cheek before turning to head back to my room. I start to tear up again but hold it until i hear the bunker door shut. A few hours later I get a ping on my laptop. I open it to see a notification on this website for hunters. It's a hunter with the username "Heavenly_Haven" It reads "Hey! Any hunters looking 4 a job? I've tracked down a nest South West of a small town in South Carolina. My peeps r on a hunt n I was left behind to do some research 4 our next hunt. This 1 seems like it needs 2 be done asap 6 dead already. hmu if interested." It takes me a moment to comprehend all of the slang this person uses but once I figured it out I messaged them and started packing. I get on my bike and head to the location they sent me. After many stops for gas and monsters I arrive. I get off my bike with my hand on my gun just in case and walk towards a motel room. I knock on the door and a bubbly girl answers. "Hi! you must be Imani!" She says in excitement. " Yeah, and you're Haven right?" I say still cautious. "Yup! I've got to say I'm a big fan of you Winchesters! I met Dean in person once, and holy hell he is more smokin then what people have said. Like words don't do him justice" She says dramatically. "I mean I guess, he's a little attractive but that quickly fades when you live with him." I say jokingly. After a little more chatting, she invites me in and we begin getting to know each other and discussing the hunt. She has pinpointed the location down to an abandoned building in Madison, Georgia about 3 hours from our current location. I hop on my bike and she gets in her black 1997 Acura Integra, and we were on our way. We arrive at the building and realize it's a three story office building that looks to be abandoned for at least 10 years. We gather our equipment and head towards one of the side entrances. A wave of deja-vu kicks in and I realize that this is the person from my vision. She is a shorter girl around 27 years old, with brown hair and blond highlights. She has a scar crossing from just above her left eyebrow extending to her cheekbone from a hunt gone wrong. She has a fairy grunge like aesthetic with earthy tones. I reach for the doorknob when a ringing sound comes from my pocket. "Shit, shit, shit," I whisper reaching into my pocket to grab my phone. I answer and whisper "yes?" "Hey, were on our way back, about an hour out." Sam says on the other side. "Now's not a good time babe. I'm in the middle of a hunt" I whisper before hanging up. I turn to Haven and give her an apologetic look, I notice something behind her move in the dark "double shit" i say in a normal voice. She turns around and in the dark 4 figures emerge. We grab our machetes and prepare to fight. "2 against 4 those arn't bad ods huh?" Haven says in a joking tone. I hear the door behind me squeak open and a hand wraps around my mouth as I get pulled in. The door slams shut. "Triple shit, we're separated, I hope she's a good fighter" I think to myself. I elbow the thing holding me and it lets out a hiss. I turn and see 4 more blood sucking psychos standing in front of me. I tighten my grip and run towards them. I hear blows from outside, hoping they're not blows to Haven. I slice the neck of one cutting its head off, while pushing another away. Eventually they're all just headless bodies on the ground and I run to the door to get to Haven. I open it to see her crouched over one of the bodies. It wasn't your regular vamp it was a headless body the size of a child. She was crying saying over and over how "she didn't want to do it but he just kept running after her like a dog runs after a stick" I grab her arm and gently pick her up walking her back to her car. "Let's get a beer, you did what you had to, and you did good. It was a small nest but a really shitty one." she nods and we go back to the motel to get cleaned up. We share a few drinks and I head home. I get to the bunker and walk in, everyone was crowded in the library. The door shuts behind me and they all turn in my direction. Sam runs up to me and begins scolding me about how I should have told them where I was and what I was doing. I explain my vision and Haven and the hunt. They all just sat there and listened. I left out the part about how down bad she was for Dean though. I explained how we exchanged contacts and that we'd be going on more hunts together. Charlotte looked at me with what I can only describe as a mix of hurt and jealousy, Sam looked skeptical and Dean asked if she was hot or not. I told him he'd have to see for himself. I head to the kitchen and grab a beer when I return Dean says, "Well, I guess you can go with us on the next hunt, so you don't go out with random ass strangers." I look at him with excitement and take a sip of my beer. I walk over to Sam who was in the kitchen looking at lore on his computer. I kiss him on the cheek and say goodnight, I walk to my room to go to bed and Charlotte is sitting in my monster throne, playing with my stuffed turtle. "So what's the deal with Haven?" She says Havens name with a tone of disgust. "She is someone I'm hoping we can trust and have around. She has her own group so I'm going to scope them out for a little longer." she nods in approval and leaves,I get ready for bed and go to sleep.

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